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There are 1,800 people in detention centres for foreigners and about 300 of them have decided to return to their home country, we provide them with a plane, a ticket and a „good layette” – informed Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Tuesday while answering questions from MPs in the Polish Parliament.

The prime minister pointed to the fact that out of such illegal attempts to cross the border „we have prevented about 31,000”.

But a number of attempts were successful

— he admitted.

Turkey’s actions

There is full synchronisation of Turkish actions with Belarus and Russia. We are concerned about it, we do not like it; our assistance to Turkey has unfortunately turned out to be a one-sided favour

— said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Tuesday

Responding to MP Maciej Gdula (Left), who drew attention to Turkey’s involvement in organising the smuggling of migrants to Minsk, the Polish head of government confirmed that he was well aware of this. He described Mr Gdula’s remark in the parliamentary debate on the hybrid attack on the Belarusian border as a „legitimate voice”.

Just a month or two ago, it seemed that what Turkey wanted was close cooperation with us. I will say it out loud here, because I think they will also hear it there, that we can see these actions – full synchronisation of Turkish operations with Belarus and with Russia. We are concerned about it, we disapprove of it.

— he stressed.

The Prime Minister referred to Poland’s support when Turkey needed help.

Unfortunately, our help in putting out the fire, our help in promoting Turkey’s tourist industry, turned out to be a one-sided favour. We are not pleased with this. And that is what we want to point out to our Turkish friends

— he stated.

According to the Bild daily, more than 6,000 refugees have arrived in Germany through Belarus in the past six weeks, and smugglers are acting on a Belarusian plan to „attack the EU,” which is supported by Russian and Turkish presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Support from Frontex?

The head of government explained, among other things, why Poland was not actively seeking greater involvement from Frontex, something that MEPs had asked him about many times.

The head of Frontex was here and praised our actions highly. I do not want to put too fine a point on it, but really the capabilities of our services are not just wider by two or three times wider. Frontex did not help much in the big crisis on the southern (EU – PAP) border. Frontex is rather a best practice exchange agency

— said Prime Minister Morawiecki.

What about readmission?

The issue of readmission is under consideration; it is something that has been discussed in recent days

— said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

However, it is not simple because of the countries of origin that do not want to receive these people

— he added.

With regard to sanctions and further economic and transport blockades, we are ready, and we want the Lukashenko regime to hear this. (…) We are ready for further economic sanctions, and if not at the EU level, we will implement them on our long border with Belarus.

— he said in response to questions from MEPs.

Tłum. K.J.

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