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(Natural News)
Rather than gun control, America needs prescription drug CONTROL to ban these violent, psychotic-episode-inducing ADHD drugs. Introducing Qelbree (Viloxazine), the first non-stimulant prescription drug for ADHD approved by the FDA in over a decade. These extended release capsules are produced by Supernus Pharmaceuticals. The box warning states this medication can be prescribed to children diagnosed with ADHD as young as 6 years old.

New “Qelbree” ADHD drug for 6-year-olds linked to suicidal thoughts and homicidal actions

Qelbree is known to INCREASE suicidal thoughts AND actions, meaning the drug influences the children’s brains to actually carry out killings they were only imagining or worried about before. Did your child get caught during class looking at the mobile phone you gave them for emergencies? Time for some suicide-thought-provoking medication, according to American modern psychiatry. Does your child play wild games inside the house? Time for some homicidal-thought-inducing pharmaceuticals to treat that.

So here’s how it works. A 6-year-old child is wiggling his/her feet and hands during class, and doesn’t pay close attention to the whole 45-minute instruction period where the teacher explains division, so the kid is recommended by the teacher, the school psychologist, and the pediatrician for some psychiatrist-led (drug-slinger) evaluations.

Next comes prescription drugs for ADD and ADHD. Get ready for some horrific “day-mares” that can easily be accompanied by violent acts of homicide and/or suicide. That’s right, because Qelbree can increase thoughts of suicide and murder, especially within the first few months of treatment, or when the dose is changed. Really? Pediatricians and psychiatrists change the doses of prescriptions for their patients about as often as new mothers change their baby’s diapers. Good luck with all of that.


Qelbree can increase heart rate and blood pressure, just like COVID-19 “vaccines” do to so many millions of people, including children and teens. Qelbree can cause manic episodes for teens and children with bipolar disorder. Wait, isn’t the “medicine” supposed to get rid of this, not worsen it? Maybe the child should also wipe feces on open wounds, and see if that helps them heal. The insanity of these prescription drugs is mind-boggling.

Rather than gun control, America needs prescription drug CONTROL to ban these violent, psychotic-episode-inducing ADHD drugs

Nearly every mass shooting event over the past 20 years has one concurrent theme besides the Democrats vying for gun control (confiscation) immediately afterwards. Nearly every “active shooter” was experiencing INCREASED thoughts and feelings of suicide and homicide due to the prescribed SSRI anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs they were taking. Now, even ADD and ADHD drugs like Qelbree cause these side effects and adverse events to occur, and it’s so common that the drug manufacturers list these horrific events right on the WARNING BOX of their insane drugs.

Guns don’t kill people. Sane kids and teens don’t shoot up schools and movie theatres just because they got bullied and played some violent video games. Young males taking SSRIs and ADHD drugs that CAUSE dark, evil thoughts about suicide and murder, well, those DO cause mass shootings, and there needs to be legislation to confiscate these drugs from the open market and suspend all prescription writing capabilities until they are scientifically proven safe and effective. Right now, they most certainly are not.

Watch the new Qelbree commercial warn you about increased thoughts of suicide and murderous acts. This ad is being blasted across all mainstream media and streaming services right now.

Don’t feed your child or teen to the suicide squad (doctors who sling Qelbree and other SSRIs). Research everything you consider consuming, including food, medicine, and water. Be sure it’s natural and not lab-made. Do your own research and don’t use Google. Try the search engine Brave BETA and get more truth news and real information. Bookmark Censored.news to your favorite websites for truth news that’s being censored from the rest of media as you read this.

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