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(Natural News)
Supermarkets in Canada are already reporting empty shelves almost immediately after the country’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandate for the trucking industry came into effect.

The already overwhelmed and teetering supply chain took a major turn for the worse due to the rule, which prohibits unvaccinated American truckers from crossing the border. All Canadian truckers must also be vaccinated in order to transport food and other goods.

Since very few U.S.-based truckers got jabbed, Canadian supermarkets that rely on supplies from our country are reporting bare shelves. This is on top of runaway food inflation and shortages of other products due to port delays and other issues.

“The vaccine mandate has exacerbated the shortage of truck drivers and made wait times at border crossings even longer,” reported Infowars.

“Eighty percent of trade between the U.S. and Canada is transited by truck. America exports about 90% of Canada’s fruits and vegetables during the winter season. As shipments decline because only about half of U.S. truck drivers are vaccinated, grocery stores report shortages.”

Cost of sending fresh produce from Southern California to Canada up 36 percent

Gary Sands, senior vice president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers, told the media that many of his group’s members are already “going into some stores where there’s no oranges or bananas.”

This is only just the beginning as many expect a domino effect to ripple throughout an already stressed supply chain, resulting in many more items disappearing from grocery store shelves.


Inflation is also through the roof, with North American Produce Buyers reporting that the cost of sending a truckload of fresh produce from Southern California to Canada has jumped from $7,000 to $9,500, a 36 percent increase.

“That means companies are paying more for freight and will pass on costs to consumers,” reports explain.

Now, with far fewer eligible truck drivers available to ship these more-expensive truckloads, much of the food product will also build up in warehouses with nowhere to go but into the trash bin once it expires.

On January 22, the situation will get even worse when the United States starts imposing its jab mandate on Canadian truckers entering this country. As many as 16,000 Canadian truckers will end up getting sidelined, warns the Canadian Trucking Association.

This means that U.S. grocery shelves will also run bare of products imported from Canada. In just a few short days, Americans could start seeing large empty gaps in grocery aisles.

Canadian truck drivers are furious about the decision, and some of them responded to it by blocking an entire highway near the U.S.-Manitoba border in protest. Videos have been circulating across social media depicting this blockade.

There is a strong possibility that come January 22, the supply chain will break entirely from all this stress. And North America has two people to blame for the fallout: Resident Joe Biden of the White House nursing home and fascist LGBTQ panderer Justin Trudeau.

“If westerners are being starved by their own governments, and if westerners are doing absolutely nothing about it at all, then whose fault is it?” asked one reader at Infowars.

“Similar things have happened in other countries in recent years and months. And the PEOPLE stood up and DID something about it. Governments will run and hide if the people stand up. Then again, most westerners don’t have a set of balls, and have been known to bow to their governments, blindly obeying them as if they were a god.”

The latest news about how “covid” is ushering in the engineered collapse of the global economy can be found at Collapse.news.

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