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Receipt of a protocol from
a written open tender for the sale of real estate along with information
about the signature by the Issuer.The Management Board of Korporacja
Gospodarcza “Efekt” S.A. with its seat in Kraków (hereinafter: the
Company, the Issuer) announces that today it signed the protocol
received yesterday from the written open tender conducted on December 9,
2020 at the headquarters of the City of Łódź, for the sale of real
estate owned by the City of Łódź located in Łódź at ul. Wólczańska 210,
212 and Wólczańska without the number, al. Of the Polish Red Cross
without a number, ul. Piotrkowska 233, 233/235 and Piotrkowska without
the number, with a total area of ​​7 699 m², in which the Issuer did not
properties are divided into three investment areas: site no. I, site no.
II, site no. III – these sites constitute one property complex, put up
for sale jointly.The
properties are located in the area entered in the register of immovable
monuments as the historic urban layout of Piotrkowska Street on the
section from al. Piłsudskiego / al. Mickiewicza to ul. Pabianicka.
Moreover, they are located in the area entered into the municipal
register of monuments of the city of Łódź as the historical urban layout
and the cultural landscape of “Osada Łódka”. Possible removal by the
future buyer of trees located on the real estate may take place in
accordance with the provisions of the Act of April 16, 2004 on nature
protection (Journal of Laws of 2020, items 55, 471 and 1378).The
property buyer is obliged to:1)
making the area available to network operators for reconstruction,
renovation, removal of breakdowns, repairs, maintenance or modernization
in the event of preservation of the existing utilities and preservation
of protection zones along the utilities network, in agreement with the
operators of these networks, and submission of an appropriate statement
in this regard in the sales contract;2)
if the Issuer implements a non-road investment on the sold real estate,
which will require the construction of roads marked in the local spatial
development plan with symbols or a pedestrian path, the real estate
buyer will be obliged to build the roads or pedestrian path on his own
and at his own expense without the right to recourse to Of the City of
Łódź on the terms specified by the road administrator pursuant to art.
16 of the Act of March 21, 1985 on public roads (Journal of Laws of
2020, items 470, 471 and 1087) or in another contract concluded with the
road administrator;3)
in the case of the implementation of an investment covering at least
area No. I – to be developed at its own expense and without the right of
recourse to the City of Łódź, in accordance with the guidelines
described in Appendix No. 4 to the “Terms of the tender” constituting an
attachment to the Regulation No. 5315 / VIII / 20 of the President Of
the City of Łódź of October 6, 2020, within 5 years from the date of
obtaining a legally valid building permit, at least for the investment
in area No. No. I; timely development of these properties in a manner
different from the guidelines, but based on written arrangements with
the Municipal Investments Board or another competent unit or
organizational unit of the City of Łódź, will be considered as the
implementation of the said obligation;4)
in the case of the implementation of an investment covering an area
marked in the local spatial development plan as unit 3 of the KDW – to
meet the requirements for the development of the above area, resulting
from § 32 sec. 3 point 3 of the resolution No. LXVI / 1684/18 of the
City Council in Łódź of January 25, 2018 on the adoption of the local
spatial development plan for the part of the city of Łódź located in the
area of ​​Piotrkowska, Czerwona, Wólczańska, Radwańska, Brzeźna, Edwarda
Abramowski streets , Jan Kiliński, Tylna, Henryk Sienkiewicz and Fr. bp.
Wincentego Tymieniecki;5)
establishing, in the contract of sale of real estate, free land easement
consisting in almost unlimited passage and passage, for the benefit of
each owner of plot No. 21/30, and each owner of plot No. 25.In
the contract that transfers the ownership of the real estate, the
following will be reserved:the
obligations set out in items 1-4 above; the agreement for the
establishment of the easement referred to above; a contractual penalty
in the amount of PLN 400,000 (say: four hundred thousand zlotys) in the
case of failure to meet the above-mentioned obligation on time, or in
the event of its implementation in a manner different from the
guidelines contained in the appendix to the Tender Terms “constituting
an appendix to Regulation No. 5315 / VIII / 20 of the Mayor of the City
of Łódź of October 6, 2020 or written arrangements made with the
Municipal Investments Board or other competent organizational unit of
the City of Łódź; a declaration of submission to enforcement under the
contract of sale transferring the ownership of the real estate pursuant
to art. 777 § 1 point 5 of the Code of Civil Procedure as regards the
obligation to pay a contractual penalty. The City of Łódź will be
entitled to apply for an enforcement clause within 3 years from the
ineffective expiry of the deadline for performance of the obligation
referred to in point 3; in order to secure the contractual penalty
indicated above, the buyer will establish a mortgage for the City of
Łódź in the amount of PLN 600,000 (say: six hundred thousand zlotys),
encumbering the real estate being sold or other real estate approved by
the City of Łódź, of which the buyer is the owner or perpetual
usufructuary. The mortgage referred to above will be entered in the
first place in section IV of the land and mortgage register in another
land and mortgage register kept for the real estate subject to sale and
will have priority over other mortgages. The City of Łódź allows for the
possibility of securing, in the form of a bank or insurance guarantee,
the claim of the City of Łódź for the contractual penalty referred to
instead of establishing the described mortgage by the entity selected in
the tender as the buyer of the property. The content of the guarantee
will indicate the City of Łódź as the beneficiary of the guarantee and
the guarantor’s obligation to irrevocably, unconditionally pay the
guarantee sum up to PLN 600,000 (say: six hundred thousand zlotys) at
the first written request of the City of Łódź, in which it is stated
that the buyer of the property does not paid a contractual penalty. The
guarantee will be granted for a period of 3 years from the ineffective
expiry of the deadline for the performance of the obligation described
Issuer made a declaration that it familiarized itself with the legal
status and with the way of developing the real estate in the area as
well as with the “Terms and Conditions of the Tender” and accepting
these conditions without reservations.The
Issuer’s offer of the proposed real estate price in the tender in the
amount of PLN 4,855,000 (in words: four million eight hundred fifty five
thousand zlotys) was higher than the starting net price and was
accepted. The above-mentioned easement in the total amount of PLN
521,070 will be added to the purchase price, increased by the tax on
goods and services at the rate of 23% in the amount of PLN 119,846.10.
The paid bid bond in the amount of PLN 480,000 will be credited towards
the purchase of the property. The payment of the remaining purchase
price of the property in the amount of PLN 4,375,000 plus the agreed tax
on goods and services and the payment of the fee for the establishment
of the easement in the amount indicated above, should be made before the
conclusion of the contract for transferring ownership. The tender report
is the basis for concluding the sale agreement in the form of a notarial
deed. The submitted report confirmed that the real estate was purchased
by Korporacja Gospodarcza “Efekt” Spółka Akcyjna with its seat in Krakow.Legal
17 sec. 1 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the
Council (EU) No 596/2014 of April 16, 2014 on market abuse (market abuse
regulation) and repealing Directive 2003/6 / EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directive 2003 / 124 / EC,
2003/125 / EC and 2004/72 / EC (also known as MAR).

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