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(Natural News)
J.D. Rucker recently interviewed the illustrious Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who told him that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has released a lab-manufactured hemorrhagic fever bioweapon at the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

“Before I get into the details,” Rucker writes, “it’s important to understand that she and her sources are highly credible. There have been concerted efforts to discredit her, but her claims as far back as early 2020 have invariably been proven accurate.”

Li-Meng was one of the first, if you recall, to come forward with evidence suggesting that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was developed in a Chinese laboratory. The powers that be tried to discredit her, but her claims continue to stand the test of time.

“They tried to disprove what she’s said all along, that Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci had intimate knowledge of the gain-of-function research that was going on in Wuhan,” Rucker adds.

“They even tried to prove she was wrong about the inefficacy of the vaccines. All of her claims have been verified and she has been vindicated multiple times.”

Get ready for a second round of the plandemic, bleeding orifices style

Li-Meng told Rucker that the CCP has been studying various “strains,” if you will, of hemorrhagic fever viruses. These include Lassa, Marburg, and hantavirus, all of which just so happen to share the same CD38 drug target in the disease.

Her sources reveal that the CDC was already fully prepared to release this bioweapon during the Winter Olympics, though she cannot confirm which strain of the virus has been released without first obtaining the viral genome.


This new bioweapon is supposedly much more deadly than the Fauci Flu, which may have just been a test run for the final act, so to speak, in the current world order.

According to UPI, health authorities in the United Kingdom have already identified at least two cases of viral hemorrhagic fever, and possibly a third. If confirmed, these mark the first time the illness has been seen in the country in over a decade.

Officials claim that the cases of Lassa fever, as they have classified it, are from the same family and are linked to recent travel to western Africa, where the illness is said to be endemic.

“Two of the cases are conclusive and the third hasn’t been confirmed yet,” reports reveal. “Lassa fever is an acute viral hemorrhagic illness and infection usually occurs through food or household items contaminated with urine or feces from rats who are carrying the virus.”

In milder cases, Lassa fever causes a fever, obviously, and fatigue. In more severe cases, it can result in bleeding of the mouth, breathing difficulties, and low blood pressure.

“Most people who contract Lassa fever don’t develop any symptoms and it’s fatal in only about 1% of cases,” UPI further reported. “The new cases are the first in Britain since 2009.”

Bleeding orifices are a common occurrence with severe cases of hemorrhagic fever, assuming this is really what was released at the Olympics. Since the media is already blaming a scapegoat, rats from Africa, the world could see another round of the plandemic.

“The problem with this report is that the disease may not be standard Lassa fever, but possibly something new that was created through gain-of-function research,” Rucker notes.

“Dr. Yan has not confirmed this, but based on sources and evidence, Lassa is one of the bioweapons they prepared to launch attacks during or after Winter Olympics … She noted that CCP military scientists worked with Liberia to study Ebola in 2014. They also sent six groups of scientists to Sierra Leone to study Lassa viruses, most recently in 2020.”

Li-Meng says that a simple cure for hemorrhagic fever is a drug by Johnson & Johnson (J&J) called Darzalex (daratumumab), which is approved to treat multiple myeloma.

The latest news about communist China can be found at Terrorism.news.

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