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(Natural News)
The British government recently issued a report revealing that more than 90 percent of patients who died of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) were injected with  at least one dose.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) report spanned the period between Jan. 1 and May 31. It broke down the number of COVID-19 deaths during the five-month period in England, classifying them by vaccination status.

According to the ONS report, the month of February saw a total of 2,711 individuals die of COVID-19. Of this total, 2,447 individuals (90 percent) received at least one dose of the vaccine. Meanwhile, only 264 individuals (10 percent) of COVID-19 deaths that month were unvaccinated.

For the month of March, England saw a total of 2,860 COVID-19 fatalities. Of this total, 2,658 individuals (93 percent) were vaccinated while only 202 individuals – a measly seven percent – were unvaccinated.

A total of 3,571 COVID-19 deaths were recorded in April, with 3,365 (94 percent) of them being vaccinated. In contrast, only 206 unvaccinated individuals – six percent – died in England during that month.

Lastly, the ONS report stated that England recorded 1,364 COVID-19 deaths for May. Following a trend from the previous months, vaccinated individuals again comprised a majority of fatalities with 1,282 having been injected with at least one dose. Only 82 unvaccinated individuals died of COVID-19 that month, the lowest in the period.

A general trend observed during the ONS report’s five-month period was that deaths among the vaccinated population started increasing from February until May. In contrast, deaths among the unvaccinated were on a downward trend – aside from a slight uptick in April.


Ultimately, 91 percent of COVID-19 deaths are vaccinated individuals based on a five-month average of all the fatalities. (Related: Government data shows fully vaxxed account for more than 90% of COVID DEATHS in the UK.)

Huge percentage of COVID-19 deaths in England among the boosted

Many people may attribute the higher death counts to individuals who received only one or two COVID-19 vaccine doses. According to the U.K. Health Security Agency, almost half of England’s population turned down the third booster dose. Unfortunately, this is not the case – as the ONS report already included those who received the third and fourth booster doses.

From Jan. 1, 2022 until May 31, 2022, there were 15,113 COVID-19 deaths recorded. An astonishing 13,666 individuals (90.4 percent) part of this total received at least one dose of the vaccine. Of the 13,666 vaccinated individuals who died of COVID-19, 12,442 were among the boosted population – those who are triple- or quadruple-vaccinated.

It appears that those who turned down the boosters made a prudent decision, as only 1,224 single- or double-vaccinated individuals died within that five-month period.

Despite the concerning findings revealed by the ONS report, Britons are being primed to fear COVID-19 with the purported increase of deaths and to anticipate COVID-19 restrictions such as face masks and mandatory booster shots.

True enough, experts in the U.K. have been calling for another booster dose to be given by fall.

This led the Daily Expose to quip: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Judging by the latest calls for a fifth [vaccine dose], it looks like ‘experts’ in the UK really have lost their marbles.”

Follow VaccineDeaths.com for more news about COVID deaths among the vaccinated and boosted.

Watch Ben Armstrong of the New American talking about U.K. government data that reveals 90 percent of COVID deaths are vaccinated individuals.

More related stories:

COVID-19 vaccines linked to higher rates of infections, deaths in Australia.

NEEDLES FOREVER: United Kingdom’s NHS launches FIFTH COVID jab.

Majority of COVID deaths in Sweden and the UK are among the fully vaccinated.

UK government confirms triple-vaccinated account for 76% of COVID deaths.

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