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(Natural News)
A new Channel 4 documentary called “Vaccine Wars: The Truth About Pfizer” blows the lid on the drug giant’s corrupt monopolization of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” market.

The film makes the case that Pfizer paid off “experts” to spread lies about its competitors’ injections, including the viral vector jab from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.

The allegations accuse Pfizer of making false claims about the AstraZeneca jab, including that it causes cancer. It is also alleged that Pfizer is charging 3,000 percent more per injection than the shots actually cost to produce, which is price gouging.

Pfizer is said to have bribed doctors and others to scare patients out of taking the AstraZeneca jab due to fears that it could damage their immune system. Meanwhile, the Pfizer jab is triggering myocarditis in young people.

The film further explains that Pfizer discussed these malicious strategies at a presentation last year. Attendees brainstormed ideas before launching a plan of attack against AstraZeneca, which is trailing the other jab manufacturers in terms of rollout and popularity.

There are widespread concerns across Europe where AstraZeneca’s injections are available that the shots cause blood clots and other serious health problems. Some countries are no longer administering them for this reason.

Pfizer hatched secret deal with U.K. government eliminating all liability for the company in the event of a legal dispute

Concerning the claim that Pfizer is massively overcharging for its injections, the company released a statement claiming that this is “grossly inaccurate,” and that there are other costs associated with clinical studies, manufacturing and global scaling and distribution that people are overlooking.

Since the other claims could not be refuted as easily, Pfizer said that those were taken out of context and not actually presented by the company itself but by some other group that put the slide show together.

A spokesperson from the company claims that a foreign third party is responsible for the presentation slides outlining these tactics, which were presented by an independent scientific committee as part of a Canadian vaccine “educational” program.

What we do know for sure is that Pfizer signed a special contract with the government of the United Kingdom eliminating all liability in the event of a legal dispute.

What this contract basically established is that should problems arise with Pfizer’s injections, U.K. authorities now have no way to take the matter to court. Instead, anything that arises in dispute must be dealt with through a “secret arbitration panel.”

“The U.K. are [sic] legally bound to not say whether it is in dispute with Pfizer, what the dispute is on or how the secret arbitration will turn out,” reported Great Game India. “The U.K. apparently remains the only developed country that has agreed to abide by this demand by Pfizer.”

Unlike Pfizer’s injection, AstraZeneca’s is supposedly sold at cost. For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the company’s jab to be the “Vaccine for the World.”

“The investigation into Pfizer comes as a result of the company’s stakeholders pocketing what is estimated to be £3.9billion of profit from the latest vaccine frenzy caused by the arrival of COVID variant, Omicron,” Great Game India further reported.

“The pharmaceutical giants’ stocks rose 7.4 percent in the seven days to November 30 after South Africa warned the world about the mutated strain on November 24.”

In the days following the corporate media’s announcement about “Omicron” (Moronic in anagram form), investment firm Vanguard Group Inc. raked in the most cases from Pfizer shares, upping the total value to £1.3 billion.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has also been raking in the dough, seeing a portfolio increase of £257,000 in just one week.

More of the latest news about Pfizer can be found at Corruption.news.

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