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(Natural News)
Mass injecting people with “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is not going so well for Israel, which is seeing a massive surge in new “cases” of the virus.

As it turns out, “fully vaccinated” Israelis are proving to be more prone to infection than the unvaccinated. And medical scientists are beginning to fess up to the truth about it.

“In [a] large population of adults tested for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR after two doses of mRNA vaccine, a gradual increase in the risk of infection was seen for individuals who received their second vaccine dose after at least 90 days,” a newly released study explains.

Scientists from Leumit Health Services in Israel and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that presents solid evidence showing that getting double jabbed for Chinese Germs progressively increases one’s risk of getting sick and potentially dying.

The unvaccinated are unaffected by this phenomenon, but the fully vaccinated – this especially includes people who take the “boosters” – experience a 400 percent increased risk of infection for at least 150 days post-injection.

This, experts are finally now admitting, is the reason why there continue to be endless “waves” of the virus, which would not be occurring had the jabs never been introduced in the first place under Operation Warp Speed.

“Since June 2021 … a resurgence of individuals with SARS-CoV-2 has been seen, which could be at least partially because of decreasing levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in vaccinated people,” the researchers wrote.

The merry-go-round of covid “vaccines” will never end

Israel, as you may recall, was one of the first countries in the world to roll out a mass vaccination campaign for the Chinese Virus. The Israeli government’s claim was that doing this would bring an end to the plandemic.

In reality, the exact opposite occurred as Israel is now one of the sickest countries in the world with no end in sight to the spread of the Fauci Flu.

Despite having one of the highest compliance rates with the injections, Israel is on a downward spiral of disease and death due to the shots, which are rapidly destroying people’s immune systems with AIDS-like wasting disease.

Keep in mind that the unvaccinated now have almost no rights in Israel, while the fully vaccinated are afforded the “privilege” of being able to dine in at restaurants and go to the movies.

Amazingly, the investigators involved with the latest study are proposing more injections as the solution to the problem caused by the first two or three (or four?) that Israelis have already received.

“The results suggest that consideration of a third vaccine dose might be warranted,” the investigators wrote.

Back in August, Israel saw 14 “breakthrough” cases of the Chinese Flu in people who had already received their third injection. At the time, a biomedical scientist stated that “booster” shots are ineffective against the “Delta” variant, which is the strain that the mainstream media was harping on back at that time.

“The world has, by and large, rejected God, so therefore, has become more stupid, mad and bad,” wrote one commenter at LifeSiteNews. “Mortal sin darkens the intellect.”

“I believe the latest ‘science’ is that you’ll have to get used to permanently trailing around a personal tank of anti-wu-flu glop. Calling all sheeple: you trembled at the Delta, now shake in your shoes at the new & terrifying Omicron. Just as the people have taken in huge numbers to the streets in protest. Weird, huh? Look, the sky is falling AGAIN!”

More of the latest news about the waves of disease and death stemming from mass vaccination for the Fauci Flu can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

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