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(Natural News)
A demonic doppelganger of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has been discovered in a Michaelangelo fresco in the Sistine Chapel, leaving visitors stunned at the incredible likeness.

(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from NewsPunch.com)

This work of art by Michaelageno adorns the walls in the Sistine Chapel inside the Vatican. It’s called “The Last Judgement” and Minos, a judge in hell, is the man with the serpent wrapped around him. Michelangelo hated the Pope’s servant so much that it is his likeness he used as Minos. This means the Lightfoot doppelganger would be a soul condemned to hell.

The demonic likeness of Lori Lightfoot has gone viral on Twitter, with users reacting to the doppelganger by declaring “There’s a demonic presence there!”

Meanwhile, Rey Cintra pointed out that Lightfoot’s other doppelganger is Tim Burton’s demonic creation, Beetlejuice.

Meanwhile, veggiepeople claims the likeness in the Michaelangelo artwork proves here are evil spirits that jump from body to body over the centuries, inhabiting places of evil.

One thing is for certain — Mayor Lori Lightfoot is not a popular woman outside of Democratic run Chicago. Everyone else can see the decay and deprivation she is presiding over in the Democrat-run hell hole.

Chicago has been run by Democrats since 1931, they have enjoyed a monopoly on power for decades, and the results are right there in front of everyone. Because there is only one party in Chicago, the standards for Democratic candidates continue to get lower.

Lightfoot is an incompetent trainwreck who expected to spend her mayoralty chasing media headlines for her bold, corporate-approved social justice sloganeering. When real problems arise that affect Chicago residents, she has no answers — indeed, she doesn’t even know the questions, and her Democrat successor will almost surely be even less competent than she is.

Read more at: NewsPunch.com

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