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(Natural News)
Cruise boats are like huge floating cesspools of germs, bacteria and viruses spread by crowds of people eating from the same food buffets, sharing drinks, touching all the same fixtures, and engaging each other in close quarters. In March of 2020, several cruise ships full of COVID-19-infected passengers docked on the West coast of the United States, with thousands of people on board, including dozens who had already tested POSITIVE for Wuhan Coronavirus. They were all allowed by the CDC to disembark and jump on charter flights home or head to military bases.

This was all authorized after thousands of crew members had been quarantined on the vessels. Nothing to see here. It’s just a worldwide pandemic purposely spread by the CDC to the United States. Onward we go, to the gay pride parades just a couple years later, to spread a new pandemic that comes not from eating bats or injecting snake venom, but from having sex with men who had sex with infected monkeys (which gives a whole new meaning to bush-meat).

Welcome to the monkeypox pandemic, where the new “cruise ships” are gay parades, where everybody is crowded in close quarters and touching everyone else and their infected lesions.

Still, it’s nothing to worry about, because the Center for Disease Continuance (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) says so, even though their advice on their own website says the virus can be spread through contact with an infected person’s skin, linen, or respiratory droplets. Still want to attend the super-spreader parades? If you don’t, you must be a gay-hating bigot who’s paranoid about a virus that only seems to affect men who have sex with other men who attended orgies where people already had intimate relations with infected African monkeys.


WHO, CDC, FDA and Biden Regime need a new pandemic for mass-profits, counterfeit ballot drop-boxes, and mail-in voting schemes for midterm elections

Sleepy Joe Biden did not really have 80 million votes for POTUS. Had there been no pandemic, there would have been no need for tens of millions of mail-in-votes cast and 2,000 mules dropping hundreds of ballots each into drop boxes throughout every swing state’s major cities and counties. Now that the economy is in the crapper, inflation is skyrocketing, the supply chain is crippled, and food shortages are entering the critical phase, it’s more than obvious the Biden Regime and every congressional Democrat is scrambling for a “life raft” aboard their sinking Titanic.

Time for a new scamdemic planned by Bill Gates, Fauci, and the Center for Disease Continuation. Just like COVID-19, all of the advice about safety and preventative measures is convoluted, contradictory, and based on zero science. On one hand, they say it’s easily spread through touching, screwing, and breathing. Then, they tell you not to worry at all if you’re attending gay parades and traveling on sex-crazed cruise boats.

Democrats need a new pandemic in order to steal the midterm elections

Just like with Wuhan Coronavirus, the Demon-Democrats want chaos because nation-changing elections are on the precipice. The psychotic Left and the globalists running Washington DC are scared to death about losing the control they have right now, and nearly every gun-and-land-owner in America is set to vote them out of power, and they know it. The only way for the communists to stay in power is to cheat, cheat, cheat.

They need a new wave of pandemic, and they don’t care who dies from it (as long as it’s not themselves), or where it comes from, or if it’s even real. It’s psychological warfare spread through fake news media in order to steal elections. It worked in 2020. Will it work again? Beware of the virus you get from having anal sex with dudes who screwed other dudes who screwed monkeys, because that’s how the Democrats plan to have millions of FAKE people vote from home come midterms.

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