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(Natural News)
The decarbonization terraforming of planet Earth is now under way. A new project has already been launched that will install mega machines across five U.S. states to harvest “life molecules” out of the atmosphere in an effort to shut down photosynthesis and unleash global food crop failures that destroy human civilization.

Farmland is already being seized in Iowa via eminent domain to build the mechanical infrastructure that will render Earth’s atmosphere inhospitable to plant life, animal life and human life, if it is allowed to continue to operate.

It’s almost like a scene ripped right out of the film Oblivion, where giant ocean harvesting machines sucked the water off the planet, abandoning the remaining human survivors on a barren, dead world that was ransacked by aliens. But in this case, the planet’s air is being stripped of carbon, the “God element” that is the very basis of life on Earth.

The terraforming project being unleashed against planet Earth right now is called “Heartland Greenway,” and it camouflages its true intent under the cover of “green” initiatives. The website for this project is HeartlandGreenway.com, and there, you’ll find admissions that it’s all about sucking carbon dioxide molecules out of the atmosphere and burying them underground where plants can’t use the molecules for photosynthesis.

An actual CO2 pipeline is being constructed across five U.S. states to transport liquefied CO2 and bury it underground. The pipeline cross Iowa and has branches in South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Illinois.

Farmers are powerless to stop the project, which is being pushed via eminent domain. As reported via The Hawkeye:

Des Moines County Engineer Brian Carter told the board of supervisors on Tuesday during the board’s regular meeting that Navigator Heartland Greenway LLC is pushing for a carbon capture pipeline to transport liquid carbon dioxide through five midwestern states.

An October letter to Broeker from the Iowa Utilities Board gives notice that, “Navigator has developed a proposal to build and operate a large-scale carbon capture pipeline system in your county that will convert carbon dioxide to a liquid form, then transport it via pipeline to a permanent underground sequestration site.”

“I don’t know for sure that we have a whole lot of say in this, county-wise,” Carter said.

Shockingly, no local media outlets bother to tell farmers that CO2 is the single most important molecule for plant growth. Globalists are literally seizing farmers’ land to erect a terraforming infrastructure that will ultimately make crops nearly impossible to grow.

This is an irrefutable scientific fact. It’s all confirmed in the process of photosynthesis (see below).

Stripping CO2 out of the atmosphere cripples photosynthesis, the foundation of carbon-based life on Earth

All plants need CO2 in order to carry out photosynthesis, the single most important biochemical process for life on Earth. Without CO2, all life on the planet ceases to exist.

Photosynthesis has three inputs: Sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. From these three inputs, plants produce energy to grow and flourish. Without CO2, all plants die across the entire planet.

All human beings (and animals) are made of carbon, and most of that carbon starts in the atmosphere. Through photosynthesis, the carbon is used by plants to make various molecules and proteins, and when humans eat plants or animals, they are effectively consuming the carbon that was once present in the air.

In other words, all human beings are made of carbon from the air, and without carbon in the atmosphere, human life cannot exist on the planet.

Carbon dioxide is the “God molecule” for life on Earth, and carbon is the “God element” that supports all life. When Earth had an abundant supply of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it was greener, wetter and more lush, with vast rainforests covering areas that are now deserts (such as many areas of the Middle East). When CO2 is depleted in the atmosphere, Earth becomes a colder, drier, more inhospitable planet with far less food production potential.

When NASA talks about terraforming Mars and transforming it into a planet that can support forests, animals, rivers, oceans and human colonies, the No. 1 molecule that’s needed to achieve this is carbon dioxide. The reason Mars can’t be terraformed right now is because it lacks carbon dioxide.

If you take the CO2 out of Earth’s atmosphere, you turn it into a planet more like Mars: Lifeless, cold, and completely unsuitable for human survival. You effectively crush human civilization on a planetary basis. The removal of CO2 from the atmosphere is planetary-scale genocide.

Yet this is exactly what the Heartland Greenway project aims to do, all under the language of “reducing your carbon footprint.”

Dacarbonization is depopulation

The war on carbon is a war on carbon-based life… and that’s us! “Decarbonization” is depopulation. Eliminating carbon means eliminating the human race.

Furthermore, the shutting down of fossil fuel pipelines is attacking the Haber process that uses hydrocarbons to transform nitrogen (in the air) into ammonia (NH3), making the nitrogen available to plants. About half the current world population depends on the Haber process in order to eat. Without hydrocarbons, literally half the world dies of starvation. Shutting down natural gas, oil and fossil fuels is a direct attack on the Haber process, which means fertilizer production gets shut down (it’s already happening). Without fertilizer, you can’t feed the world. And without low-cost hydrocarbons from fossil fuels, you can’t make fertilizer.

Mass starvation is already “baked in” for 2022, affecting most developing nations and even some first world nations.

Mass starvation will happen next year due to the shut down of fertilizer production. But terraforming the planet to remove CO2 from the atmosphere will take many years to fully achieve… perhaps even decades. They are launching the pilot projects right now, using printed fiat currency to fund it. Once the concept is proven, they will expand their terraforming machines across the planet, ransacking the atmosphere and depriving all plant life the molecules that are desperately needed to produce food, oxygen and biodiversity.

Pollinators will collapse. Food crops will fail. Human civilization will be utterly destroyed. Decarbonization is total war against life on Earth.

If we do not stop decarbonization, life on Earth will cease to exist as we know it.

We are under planetary-scale attack. Humanity must fight back or perish.

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