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(Natural News)
StopHate.com founder David Sumrall believes the January 6 (J6) incident was a federal government inside job against the American people.

“It was a horrible day and we can never let that happen again,” Sumrall told JR Harrison during the July 29 episode of “America Unhinged” on Brighteon.TV. Harrison was filling in for the program’s regular host Dr. John Diamond.

“And to me, it’s all flipped. Everything that they’ve ever said about us is about them. And when they say it was worse than 9-11 and Pearl Harbor they are not lying because this was an inside job by our own government against our own people who didn’t even have a foreign country involved in that,” Sumrall continued.

“So this is worse. It was an insurrection that started on November 3, and they’ve always wanted this endgame. And this is just one of the tools that they were trying to do to make their plans come to fruition and paint all of us like really bad people.”

Sumrall, an activist and journalist, noted that President Donald Trump had called on Americans to go and protest peacefully at Capitol Hill. He said the J6 protest was not a violent insurrection and there was no plan to overthrow the government.

According to Sumrall, there was a mood change when the Washington D.C. police didn’t react the way that they should to control the crowd. “They even incited the crowd to go inside the Capitol building,” he recalled. “This part of the story is now being washed away and swept under the rug by the J6 select committee of Congress.”


The StopHate.com founder also lamented the J6 murder of Ashli Babbitt, Roseanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips and the unlawful imprisonment of the J6 patriots. He stressed that the American people who demonstrated at the Capitol were a nonviolent force that wanted to be heard. But they were met with physical force and attacked by the D.C. police. (Related: Three hours of Capitol riot tunnel footage shows aggressive police beating, alleged provocateur inciting crowd.)

He added that the only insurrection that happened in J6 was orchestrated by the government itself against Trump, who was still the sitting president at the time.

Harrison pointed out that Congress led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are using the J6 incident and other events to go after Trump and completely discredit him. He added that the Democrats were actually doing that right from the start of Trump’s presidency.

J6 prisoners are in solitary confinement for a long time

Elsewhere in the program, Sumrall shared that the J6 prisoners – whom he called hostages – have been in solitary confinement for a long time now. “They have not seen their family even for a single time,” he said.

He called on Americans to help these prisoners, “who are suffering because they went and represented the American people so that their voice would be heard.”

Sumrall cited five suicides by J6ers who had been pressured and harassed to death by the federal government, specifically the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice.

Harrison, who is also a documentary filmmaker, stated that the J6 hearings are a travesty that America has been bombarded with and that the American people are not hearing the other side of the story from this Congressional inquiry.

Follow Deception.news for more news about the deception being done by the federal government.

Watch the July 29 episode of “America Unhinged” below. “America Unhinged” with Dr. John Diamond airs from Monday to Friday at 9-10 a.m., Saturday at 8-9 a.m. and Sunday at 9-10 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

More related stories:

The Sentinel Report: StopHate.com founder David Sumrall says police brutality is over the top and people need to see it – Brighteon.TV.

Jeffrey Prather: Jan. 6 patriots are still in jail while BLM, Antifa are allowed to keep rioting – Brighteon.TV.

Unmistakable signs January 6th was orchestrated by the ‘Deep State’ to cover up the Democrats election steal – Sure looks like the ‘Clinton Cabal’ is still running Washington DC!

Texts from Jan. 6 Committee ‘star witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson reveal she didn’t respect panel, had no love lost for Liz Cheney.

Literally political theater: Pelosi’s hand-picked J6 Committee hired TV exec to produce “prime-time” hearings.

Sources include:


Stop Hate.com


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