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(Natural News)
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have practically endorsed CHILD SACRIFICE as an acceptable public health policy. The agency recently approved a third dose of spike protein mRNA injections for children as young as five years old, despite copious evidence that the experimental vaccine causes myocarditis in children and young adults. The FDA continues to ignore mountains of data suggesting that the covid-19 vaccines are harmful to the population, and are especially not needed in children. Never before in the history of mankind have children been used as sacrificial lambs at such scale, all to make the adult population feel safe.

CDC’s actions are a “slap in the face of science” – says doctor from Johns Hopkins University

The CDC’s actions have prompted backlash from the medical and scientific communities. Public health expert and bestselling author Dr. Marty Makary is speaking out from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Makary said the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) operates like a “kangaroo court.” The approval of COVID boosters for kids is a “slap in the face of science,” he says. The CDC is trying to combat “vaccine hesitancy” and “simplify public health messaging,” but neither of these goals is anything but pseudoscience and not based in any ethical or scientific precedent. Right now, a brazen and out-of-control Pfizer is pressuring the CDC advisory panel to ignore evidence of harm and approve more jabs for babies as young as six months old.

The Food and Drug Administration’s advisory panel, the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) have begun to recognize the harms these jabs pose to children, yet the members of this panel are being ignored by the CDC’s more authoritative advisory panel. The ACIP has literally become a militant arm of the pharmaceutical industry. Even some of the most pro-vaccine members of the FDA’s advisory panel would likely have voted “NO” on boosters for children, based on their most recent comments. Dr. Cody Meissner, Dr. Paul Offit and Dr. Eric Rubin need to speak up from the FDA and make their intent known.


CDC has been pushing harmful, needless vaccines onto children for over three decades

Dr. Makary said the CDC’s advisory panel is so captured by the pharmaceutical industry and full of “like-minded individuals,” they are willing to push out “low value care” that harms children. Makary blasted ACIP and said they have never seen a vaccine they would not approve, no matter how much evidence there is against these biologics. He also said ACIP is so full of pro-jab dogma, anyone who questions vaccines is thrown off the panel, as if vaccines are a cult.

Since 1986, the CDC vaccine schedule rapidly expanded after the federal government granted immunity for vaccine manufacturers. Today, the CDC and ACIP push over 52 doses of vaccine into children before they turn two years old. With the covid-19 vaccine push, more Americans are waking up to the out-of-control vaccine policies pushed forth by the CDC.

Not a single childhood vaccine on the CDC schedule has been tested against a double-blind, saline placebo. The CDC does not conduct tests comparing the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, yet independent studies show that the unvaccinated child is healthier in several key metrics.

Moreover, the individual adjuvants in the vaccines have not been tested for safety, either. The compounding effects of multiple vaccines have never been tested for safety in children. The fact checkers on Facebook and other indoctrination centers are gaslighting the population about the so-called safety of the vaccines and the CDC’s vaccine schedule as a whole. As needless covid-19 vaccines are continually pushed onto children, the CDC is exposing their entire operation as multi-decade, criminal fraud.

Sources include:



CanadianCovidCareAlliance.org [PDF}





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