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(Natural News)
It now appears that the nation of Canada has fallen. The once-free country is now under UN occupation and globalist control, with no remaining mechanism for the restoration of democracy. Trudeau and his Nazi deputy Freeland have declared that no one can speak against the government, or they will be hunted by police and prosecuted under some sort of emergency powers. In doing this, Trudeau and Freeland have taken peaceful resolutions off the table and seem to be trying to invoke violence across the nation.

Canada’s leaders no longer answer to the people of Canada. Instead, they answer to criminal-minded globalists who seek the total destruction of both Canada and the United States. As you can see from the video below, World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab is openly bragging about being the puppetmaster behind Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, Freeland, Jacinda Ardern and many other so-called world “leaders.”

They are all puppets to a globalist, anti-human agenda that seeks to enslave humankind. Importantly, their loyalties are not with the nations they claim to be running, but rather with the globalist agenda that aims to destroy national sovereignty and enslave the entire world under one world government.

The world is now waking up to the shocking “Alex Jones” reality: There really is a global extermination agenda and a one world government conspiracy that has been under way for decades. In fact, we are now witnessing the final stages of this effort, with Canada’s corrupt, criminal leaders spearheading the effort to criminalize dissent, outlaw freedom and unleash extreme government violence against innocent people.


UN troops have already landed in Canada and are active there now

UN troops have landed in Canada and now occupy the nation, posing as Ottawa police in order to carry out acts of brutality against the citizens there. The following video shows the UN charter jets after they landed at a Canadian airport:

The following photo shows the nameless, faceless UN “goon” troops pretending to be Ottawa police, dressed as authoritarian thugs, complete with black face masks and olive drab bulk uniforms that smack of a dystopian sci-fi flick:

Here they are marching in deployment against Canada’s peaceful protester, who are unarmed:

Here’s a compilation of clips showing some of the brutality of local police. Some of these police appear to be from Ottawa, while other videos show what appear to be UN troops, which are dressed in olive drab green. They both appear to be attempting to achieve the same goal: Government-sponsored terrorism against innocent, peaceful protesters.

And don’t forget the police horse trampling incident over the weekend, where RCMP police goons deliberately drove their horses into a crowd of defenseless people, ultimately trampling an elderly woman who suffered a severe injury:

As I pointed out in my podcast, this is what happens when Leftists vote for socialists. They actually get Marxists in power, and they lose all their freedoms. To all the people in Canada who voted for Trudeau (which is only 1 in 3, it turns out), you are getting exactly the tyranny you deserve because you were too stupid to recognize the lies of the political Left. You thought you were voting for “progressives” but you were actually putting Nazi fascists into power, and now they’ve revoked your freedom (permanently).

Now, people are waking up to the obvious truth: The most dangerous entity in any nation is the government itself. Furthermore, it’s now obvious that every government eventually turns to terrorism against its own citizens to stay in power and try to silence dissent.

It won’t be long before Trudeau orders the Canadian goon squads to open fire on innocent Canadian citizens. The first massacre isn’t far off, and it will be followed by the activation of Canada’s large-scale death camps which were built under the cover of “covid” but were actually intended to carry out genocide against Canada’s own citizens.

Listen to my full podcast today for more details, covering Trudeau, UN occupation, government terrorism, the WEF “penetration” of cabinets (and other pieces of furniture), and much more.


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