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(Natural News)
With no fanfare or public announcement, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) in the United Kingdom has decided that covid “vaccines” should no longer be given to children under 12 years of age.

As government officials in the United States continue to push the jabs on young children and even babies, British authorities now feel as though there is little-to-no risk of tiny tots catching covid.

According to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the government policy of administering covid jabs to children aged 5-11 was “only ever meant to be temporary.”

“This one-off programme applies to those aged 5 to 11 years, including those who turn five years of age before the end of August 2022,” reads the UKHSA’s “Green Book,” which contains information about the jab rollout for use by public health professionals.

“Subject to further clarification, on-going eligibility in 2022 / 23, after the one-off programme, is expected to be for children in the academic years where children are aged 11 or 12 years,” the Green Book further reads. (Related: Pfizer’s mRNA [messenger RNA] covid injection recently triggered a massive hepatitis outbreak among children throughout the U.K.)

Covid vaccines haven’t just been discontinued for little ones in the UK: They’re technically BANNED

The wording used by the UKHSA is a bit confusing, making it seem as though the shots have merely been discontinued for use in children under 12. It turns out that the shots are actually banned, meaning it is now a crime to jab pre-teens for the Fauci Flu.


“I just wanted to post a quick note because, in many places and news media, this news is not described properly,” wrote Igor Chudov on his Substack. “People mention this program as being ‘discontinued.’ That benign sounding description is not quite exactly correct.”

“The correct statement is that in the UK, Covid vaccines were just BANNED for all children under 12. Not a single UK child under 12 is allowed to get any doses of Covid vaccines.”

The only exception to the new rule is children who are deemed to be “severely immunocompromised.”

In a statement following the rule change, health freedom activist Dr. Naomi Wolf praised the decision. She explained in an interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” program that Chinese Virus shots damage the reproductive ability of young children, potentially ruining their bodies for life.

“The vaccines hurt the testes and hurt the parts of the testes that develop the masculinity and secondary sex characteristics of little boys, and baby boys, and teenage boys,” Wolf explained.

“So they literally harm the chances of your little boy child to grow up normally as a male human adult.”

In the comment section, one person was not as thrilled by the decision – not because it was a bad one necessarily, but because it is “too little, too late.”

“What do I think? Off with their heads!” this person added, along with a screenshot of an article from The Exposé pointing out that ever since Fauci Flu shots were introduced, there has been a massive increase in excess deaths among children across Europe.

“Official mortality figures for Europe show that there has been a shocking 691% increase in excess deaths among children since the European Medicines Agency extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine for use in children aged 12 to 15 in May,” the Exposé article explains.

“Before this decision by the European Medicines Agency, deaths among children in 2021 were below the expected rate. But following the emergency use authorisation, excess deaths among children by the end of the year had risen by a deeply troubling 1,599% compared to the 2017 to 2020 average.”

The latest Chinese Virus injection news can be found at Immunization.news.

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