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(Natural News)
In a shocking (or perhaps not) admission, Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, openly admitted that his company created the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) in a laboratory in order to then manufacture and sell “vaccines” for it.

Bourla fessed up to the truth during an interview with CNBC back in late December. He explained how SARS-CoV-2, as opposed to a naturally occurring coronavirus, was specifically deployed in order to develop the company’s mRNA (messenger RNA) gene therapy injections.

Bourla also revealed that Pfizer is currently reformulating said mRNA gene therapy injections in order to treat the all-new “omicron” (moronic) variant of the Fauci Flu, which is barely even a cold (if it even exists at all).

“The data that we received are data that they got from what we call a pseudo-virus, so it’s not the real virus,” Bourla declared. “It is a virus that we have constructed in our labs and it is identical with the omicron virus.”

A pseudo-virus, by the way, is a recombinant (genetically engineered) virus particle that has been scientifically manipulated using several other viruses. The purpose is to make the final GMO virus more pathogenic than its parts otherwise would have been in nature.

“In other words, Bourla admitted Pfizer is conducting gain of function research in pursuit of creating an Omicron vaccine,” reported Newspunch.

When is Albert Bourla going to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity?

Keep in mind that gain of function research is illegal in the United States, thanks to a directive from Barack Hussein Obama.


What this means, of course, is that Pfizer broke the law and Bourla committed treason against the United States, not to mention crimes against humanity.

According to writer Sean Adl-Tabatabai, Bourla’s admission about gain of function research could be a cover for the Wuhan lab leak theory, or it could simply be what Pfizer did in order to create a profitable new “vaccine.”

“In other news, the sky is blue,” joked a commenter at Newspunch.

“Surprise?” wrote another, expressing a similar sentiment.

Over at Natural News, a reader pointed out that conveniently, not a single pharmaceutical CEO, Bourla included, had died or even gotten sick from the injections they are peddling on the masses.

“How can this be if they are really taking it?” this person asked.

“Bourla is pushing the vaccines for 10 years,” wrote someone else. “Is it because the vaccine patents expire after 10 years and they can’t make tons of money off them? My tin foil hat says yes.”

“No, he just has a big heart and cares about people’s health,” joked another in response.

Another reader pointed out that initially, Bourla was claiming that whoever did not take his “snake oil” injection would die from covid. Later on, Bourla changed the story to claim that the first two snake oil injections only work if people agree to get a third, then a fourth, and so on and so forth for the rest of time.

“Bourla gets away with his garbage because most people eat it up,” this person further pointed out.

And let us not forget that none of the jab manufacturers, including Pfizer, ever claimed that the shots would stop infection or spread. At best, all they do is keep symptoms to a minimum, we are told, though there is zero proof to back this claim.

“They claimed it could reduce the severity of the infection and THAT is NOT provable!” this person added. “No one knows how severe an infection a particular person will have so there is no way to prove it has been reduced!”

More related news about Bourla and Pfizer can be found at Treason.news.

Sources for this article include:




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