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(Natural News)
If you wondered where the Biden administration is getting its left-wing lunacy from, a new report published this week helps shine a lot of light on that issue.

According to documents reviewed by Fox News, the regime is colluding with a secretive organization funded by anti-West Marxist George Soros to undermine our country with a leftist counterrevolutionary agenda aimed at sapping American strength and productivity.

The group, Governing for Impact (GFI), brags in internal memos that it has helped to implement more than 20 regulatory agenda items while working to reverse deregulatory actions by then-President Donald Trump by honing in specifically on the environment, health care, housing, labor issues and education.

“Open Society is proud to support Governing for Impact’s efforts to protect American workers, consumers, patients, students, and the environment through policy reform,” Tom Perriello, executive director of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

“Their work gives voice to people often overlooked in a regulatory environment too often dominated by corporate interests,” he claimed, in what was an obvious lie. “Our support for Governing for Impact’s work is publicly available on our website and we are transparent about our enthusiasm for their victories for American workers and families.”

Fox News notes further:

GFI, however, works to remain secretive. It is invisible to internet search engines like Google (an unrelated “Govern for Impact” is the only group that appears in a search). No news reports or press releases appear on its existence outside of a mention of its related action fund in a previous Fox News article on the $1.6 billion Arabella Advisors-managed dark money network, to which it is attached. 


But as the group attempted to conceal its operations, it sought talent on Harvard Law School’s website, which was discoverable. The posting, which no longer appears on the site, was for legal policy internships.

The Harvard advertisement noted that GFI was set up to prepare the Biden regime for a “transformative governance” — left-wing code for ‘changing everything about the country’ that was first used by Barack Obama ahead of his 2008 victory — and that the group produced “more than 60 in-depth, shovel-ready regulatory recommendations” for a wide range of federal agencies.

In addition, the advert listed an email address ending in “@governingforimpact.org” which is linked to the organization’s website and can only be accessed by people who know the specific URL.

“According to its website, Rachael Klarman, a Harvard Law School grad, steers the group. Her father, Michael Klarman, is a professor at Harvard Law and also has ties to progressive advocacy groups,” Fox News Digital reported.

“He is an advisory board member of the left-wing dark money judicial group Take Back the Court. Last year, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI, invited him to testify before Congress on dark money’s ‘assault’ on the judiciary system,” the outlet added.

Capital Research Center’s Parker Thayer, who discovered the secretive organization, noted to Fox News Digital: “Governing for Impact is the perfect example of the Left’s fake outrage over ‘dark money’ in politics.”

“As a ‘fiscally sponsored’ dark money project that writes and pushes regulations from the shadows, hidden from the public and funded by one billionaire foundation, GFI embodies everything the Left pretends to abhor,” Thayer continued.

A spokeswoman for the group, Rachael Klarman, defended its actions.

“Governing for Impact conducts and shares research designed to help ensure that the federal government works more effectively for everyday working Americans, not just for members of industry groups that have long devoted vast resources to pursuing their own policy agendas,” she told Fox News Digital.

“We were founded in 2019 and have developed detailed regulatory recommendations for multiple federal agencies, which are published on our website,” she added.

George Soros and the Marxist globalist left are running America, that much is obvious.

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