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More than 50 ambulances were dispatched by the Ministry of Health to rescue the injured from the crash.
The Egyptian Railways Authority said it was still investigating why the train, which was heading from Cairo to Mansoura, derailed.
“During the passage of train No. 949/3209 heading from Cairo to Mansoura, at 13:54, 4 cars derailed near Sandanhour station (near Toukh),” the Egyptian Railway authority said in a statement.
People inspect the damaged wagons of a passenger train, which went off the tracks near Toukh.
Most of the injuries were minor or moderate, with only a few critical cases, Khaled Megahed, a health ministry spokesman, told a local TV station.
Video posted on social media showed the victims and the injured passengers scattered along the railway line, next to the overturned train cars. Sounds of distress could also be heard.
Train movement has stopped in the East Delta.
This is the third major train accident to occur in Egypt in less than a month. At least 32 people were killed and 165 injured last month after two trains collided in the Tahta district of the Upper Egypt governorate of Sohag.
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