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(Natural News)
Famous author, TV personality and speaker Angela Stanton-King encouraged the public to set aside their differences and unite against abortion, woke ideologies and violent procedures concealed under the Biden administration’s “health care” programs.

She made this call during the Dec. 8 episode of “The Matrixxx Grooove Show” on Brighteon.TV. Stanton-King told program hosts Jeffrey “InTheMatrixx” Pedersen and Shannon “ShadyGrooove” Townsend: “If I happen to come across someone that’s racist, you keep your space and I’ll keep mine. But what I can’t deal with is what’s happening to these children.”

“I can’t deal with abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth for any reason. I can’t deal with these children having their genitals mutilated under the guise of gender-affirming care. It’s just time that we put all of these things to the side that separate us.”

Stanton-King was earlier convicted on “conspiracy” charges, and gave birth in prison while handcuffed. She later became a firm advocate of pro-life culture and a mentee of Alveda King, the niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK).

“MLK said he had a dream that his four little children would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin,” Stanton-King said. “That dream can’t live if we aborted it.”

“Every time they bring up the issue of abortion, they’re related to a Black woman’s need to have an abortion. We’re also hearing this new thing about this ‘Black maternal health crisis’ and how sometimes, Black women are three times [more] likely to die compared to White women giving birth to their children,” said Stanton-King. Emphasizing that abortion is both an attack against humanity and against life, she lamented that the Biden administration promoted abortion as a solution to this “Black maternal health crisis.”


Pedersen agreed with their guest, saying: “All lives matter – whether black, white or gray – because patriotism has no skin color.”

Biden ought to look into other prisoners after Griner release

Stanton-King benefited from a 2020 pardon given to her by former President Donald Trump. She then used her pardon for a good purpose, establishing the American King Foundation to reunite families separated by incarceration and help them start anew.

In line with this, she also mentioned the prisoner swap involving basketball star Brittney Griner and Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. President Joe Biden delivered the news on Dec. 8 and confirmed that the Phoenix Mercury center had already arrived in the United States. (Related: Prisoner swap: Biden eager to trade Russian arms dealer for basketball player before midterms.)

Stanton-King remarked that while she is glad that Griner was freed after being convicted for marijuana possession in Russia, she also questioned the government for their inaction toward other American prisoners in Russia such as Paul Whelan. She also questioned Washington about the thousands imprisoned in the U.S. for non-violent crimes.

“What about the 40,000 prisoners that have been left behind? Also, hundreds of thousands of Americans on American soil are serving time for marijuana.”

She ultimately blasted Biden’s decision to negotiate Griner’s release as wrong.

“He should have used that leverage to free all of them. But that’s why we need Trump back because he did not leave anybody behind, brought home the war heroes and gave pardons to people like me. We need a real leader in office to make a real difference.”

Watch the full Dec. 8 episode of “Matrixxx Grooove” featuring Angela Stanton-King below. Catch new episodes of the program every weekday at 12-1 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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