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(Natural News)
The United States could turn the Philippines into the next Ukraine by using the Southeast Asian nation to fight a proxy war against China.

The Office of the Spokesperson of the U.S. Department of State recently announced that Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland will be meeting with senior Philippine officials “to discuss key aspects of the U.S.-Philippines alliance,” to consult with other leaders, civil society executives and young entrepreneurs to discuss “the full range of global issues.” (Related: China may have already deployed unstoppable hypersonic missiles capable of targeting American bases in the Pacific.)

The Integrated Development Studies Institute (IDSI), a Manila-based think tank, warned that Nuland’s visit could raise the possibility of the Philippines being involved in a future war between China and the U.S. “in which the U.S. will fight a proxy war against China up to the last Filipino – just like what it did to us in World War II and what the U.S. did in Ukraine from 2014 up to now.”

“Over 100,000 Ukrainians have already been killed; with the security and peace, economy and democracy of Ukraine all destroyed,” warned IDSI.

IDSI further warned that Nuland already has substantial experience setting up a third nation to act as America’s main proxy in foreign conflicts.

In 2013, Nuland was instrumental in providing Ukraine with $5 billion to bring about a “secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.” But this money ended up being used, in part, on genocidal attacks on Russians in eastern Ukraine, killing over 14,000 of them before the beginning of Moscow’s special military operation.


“We can predict that this is now again the ‘mission’ of top CIA or Deep State agent Victoria Nuland in coming to the Philippines: To create a new war, from Ukraine to Asia, between the Philippines and China, with the poor, hapless and helpless Filipinos as the new cannon fodders of the U.S. right after the equally poor, hapless and helpless Ukrainians,” wrote IDSI

America to expand military presence in the Philippines

The U.S. and the Philippines currently have a military alliance, known as the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).

EDCA allows U.S. Armed Forces units access to Philippine bases for joint training, pre-positioning of equipment and building of facilities such as runways, fuel storage and military housing under the caveat that American presence is not permanent but on a rotational basis.

On Monday, March 20, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. announced that the U.S. will be granted access to an additional four military bases, on top of the five already existing locations under the first EDCA in 2014.

Speaking at a military base in Manila, visiting Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall claimed that the expansion of the defense agreement with the Philippines is “not focused on any particular issue.” But the expansion of the EDCA comes at a time when China is becoming increasingly assertive toward its territorial claims over the South China Sea and democratic Taiwan.

“We are at an inflection point in history and our cooperation will help ensure we stay on the path to peace and stability,” said Kendall.

The Chinese embassy in Manila responded by claiming that the U.S. is taking steps to drive a wedge between Beijing and its neighbors.

“Such cooperation will seriously endanger regional peace and stability and drag the Philippines into the abyss of geopolitical strife and damage its economic development at the end of the day,” said the embassy in a statement.

Learn more about brewing conflicts around the world at WWIII.news.

Watch this video discussing the Philippines’ precarious position as America’s next victim in a coming proxy war with China.

This video is from the channel The Prisoner on Brighteon.com.

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