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(Natural News)
Sam Bankman-Fried, the accused crypto-fraudster and former head of bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, has become the latest figure in a long list of degenerates who were also mega-donors to the Democratic Party.

“According to data published by OpenSecrets.org, Sam Bankman-Fried donated nearly $40 million to political candidates in the 2022 mid-term elections. Only $235,200 went to Republicans, with the rest going to Democrats. FTX, in other words, was a Democrat slush fund money laundering operation that helped Democrats win mid-term elections (on top of their obvious cheating, ballot stuffing and ballot harvesting operations),” Natural News founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported this week.

“It begs the obvious question: Which Democrats took this dirty money from FTX, which had stolen the money from its own customers? We know that [newly elected Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. John] Fetterman received substantial financial support from FTX, for example,” he added.

Earlier this year, as noted by the Free Beacon, Bankman-Fried had pledged to spend up to $1 billion of his former fortune helping Democrats. On Election Day, Nov. 8, his estimated net worth was $15.6 billion, but today it is zero. And that doesn’t matter to Democrats; they largely won midterm elections they were supposed to get blown out of.

“Assuming he is ultimately charged and convicted of orchestrating a financial scam, Bankman-Fried will live in infamy alongside the following Democratic megadonors of degenerate disrepute—the giants upon whose shoulders he once stood,” the Free Beacon reported before going on to not other notable megadonors in the “Democrat Hall of Shame.”


Here are some others:

Harvey Weinstein: The disgraced Hollywood mogul donated $600,000 to Democrats since 2000. What’s more, he also hosted several star-studded fundraisers for candidates like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Even worse — his reputation as a womanizer and abuser was well-known in Hollywood circles, but Democrats took his money and his assistance anyway.

He’s now “serving  a 23-year sentence for rape and currently on trial for multiple sex crimes,” the Free Beacon reported. “Reporting suggests Weinstein’s atrocious behavior was an open secret in Hollywood. The serial offender routinely exploited his influence among Democratic politicians and their allies in the media to bury stories about his predatory behavior. In 2017, Weinstein reached out to Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to President Joe Biden, for ‘damage control advice.’”

Jeffrey Epstein: Speaking of the Clintons, former President Bill Clinton was often in the company of this convicted (and now deceased) pedophile. In fact, reports noted that flight logs for Epstein’s private commercial jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which would fly him and “guests” to his private island, list Bill Clinton a number of times.

According to flight log graphics also published by the Daily Mail, Clinton was listed as “President William J. Clinton” in handwritten printing on a flight numbered “136” in 2002, along with two other recognizable names: Hollywood stars Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker. That flight to Africa, according to New York magazine, was on Epstein’s customized Boeing 727.

Epstein reportedly hanged himself in his jail cell before his trail, according to reports.

Ed Buck: This longtime Democratic activist and megadonor has donated more than $500,000 to Democratic causes and candidates, the Free Beacon reported.

“Buck was sentenced in April to 30 years in prison for luring young men to his home, sexually assaulting them, and (in at least two cases) injecting them with a fatal dose of methamphetamine,” the outlet reported. “Federal authorities described Buck as a ‘violent, dangerous sexual predator’ who exploited ‘vulnerable victims—men who were drug-dependent and often without homes—to feed an obsession that led to death and misery.’”

Bernie Madoff: This former financier donated hundreds of thousands to Democrats including Hillary Clinton and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) The Free Beacon notes: “Madoff defrauded his investors, including several prominent charities, of nearly $65 billion while orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history. He pleaded guilty to 11 felonies in 2009 and was sentenced to 150 years in federal prison, where he died in 2021.”

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