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(Natural News)
The government of Australia said it is considering launching an investigation after a federal agency reported that the country’s excess death rate for 2022 is “incredibly high” at 13 percent.

The Actuaries Institute, a private organization representing actuarial sciences professionals in Australia, recently analyzed data published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and found that an additional 15,400 people in the country died during the first eight months of the year. The institute further found that only one-third of those excess deaths had no link to COVID-19. (Related: Former Australian MP warns 75% of COVID-19 vaccinated women are experiencing miscarriages.)

Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and the spokesperson for the Actuaries Institute’s COVID-19 Mortality Working Group, noted that 13 percent higher excess deaths was an “incredibly high number for mortality.”

“Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than one to two percent, so 13 percent is way higher than normal levels,” she said. For comparison, Cutter noted that the 2017 flu season in Australia was particularly terrible in terms of deaths, but even then excess mortality was only one percent higher than normal.

Released in late November, Australia’s latest mortality data showed that there had been 128,797 deaths from Jan. 1 to Aug. 31. The ABS’s data claims that excess deaths for the first eight months of 2022 were 17 percent higher than the historical average – around four percent higher than the Actuaries Institute’s claim.


The ABS pointed out in its report that it uses data from previous years to calculate the expected number of deaths for the current year. It does not take into account changes in population age structure over time or potential improvements in mortality rates. This suggests that the ABS estimate is likely far higher than actual excess deaths – but still overwhelmingly related to COVID-19 vaccines.

Australian government still not investigating link between vaccines and excess deaths

It should be noted that 85 percent of the Australian population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Another three percent is partially vaccinated. Seventy-seven out of 100 people in Australia have received at least one booster vaccine dose.

Despite this, it seems that the Australian government is continuing to refuse to acknowledge or investigate the link between higher deaths and the COVID-19 vaccines. “I think the government should be looking at it – I don’t know to what extent they are or not, I don’t know what kind of investigations are underway,” said Cutter.

She noted that actuaries focus a lot on analyzing risk, and particularly mortality statistics because a lot of insurance products – life insurance, death insurance, disability insurance and superannuation, to name a few – rely on assumptions regarding mortality rates.

“Deaths are 17 percent higher than normal in Australia,” said Sen. Matt Canavan of the state of Queensland, quoting the percentage given by the ABS. “I don’t know what it is but it is about time we got serious about asking why.”

Despite not yet opening an investigation into the matter, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the main agency in Australia responsible for approving new medications like vaccines, has already sent a statement to mainstream media outlets in the country fact-checking claims that the COVID-19 vaccines are behind the rise in excess deaths.

The administration said it was “false and unscientific to automatically conclude that vaccines caused these deaths” and that “there is no credible evidence to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines have contributed to excess deaths in Australia or overseas.”

Cutter, speaking for the Actuaries Institute, also called the claims false. “There is zero evidence that vaccines are causing these deaths as far as I’m concerned,” she said. “But I cannot prove it.”

Learn more about the deadly COVID-19 vaccines at VaccineDeaths.com.

Watch this clip from InfoWars discussing a piece of proposed legislation in Australia that would legalize kidnapping and torturing people for violating COVID-19 restrictions.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

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