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(Natural News)
Jeffrey Prather has called on the country’s veterans to step out, rescue and restore the American Republic.

He made this call during the Nov. 11 episode of his program “The Prather Point” on Brighteon.TV, which coincided with Veterans Day.

“Everything we have done up until now was [a] preparation for this moment,” said Prather. “We are going to have to step out of line to rescue and restore our republic. There is no expiration date on our oath.”

According to Prather, military veterans that refused the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections are the ones Americans need to look up to. These people, he added, are the resistance against the Great Reset the globalists are pushing for. Prather also called on Americans to leave behind corrupted institutions such as public schools and churches to create their own counter-institutions – something done in conventional warfare.

But when the government becomes more oppressive, Prather noted that Americans must resort to unconventional warfare – akin to what the Special Forces and Green Berets do.

The former intelligence officer also expounded on the nature of the American people’s enemies. He said the Democrats, who are using the legal system against the people, have no interest in anybody of character. According to Prather, former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were terribly corrupt despite their appearance of being likable.

Moreover, the Brighteon.TV host remarked that the Democrats have no human element to appeal to. Thus, they have to cheat through the electronic voting machines in order to win elections.


Prather recounts veteran-backed operation to save Americans left behind in Kabul

He also recounted a special operation by military veterans to rescue Americans who were unable to leave Afghanistan after the capital Kabul fell to the Taliban.

The New York Post reported on this operation, dubbed “Pineapple Express,” which was carried out by a group of special operations veterans. Originally formed to rescue an Afghan ex-commando threatened by the Taliban for collaborating with U.S. forces, it was later extended to rescue Americans left behind following the U.S. military’s sudden pullout from the country. (Related: Newly uncovered texts reveal ranking U.S. military officers in Kabul angry at Biden admin for leaving Americans behind.)

Speaking to ABC, former Navy SEAL Jason Redman said the operation was driven by the federal government’s refusal to carry out a similar endeavor. “We did what we should do as Americans,” he added.

The ex-commando and his family were rescued, along with at least 630 Americans who would have been otherwise left for dead in Afghanistan. “Leaving a man behind is not in our SEAL ethos,” said retired Navy SEAL commander Dan O’Shea. “Many Afghans have a stronger vision of our democratic values than many Americans do.”

Elsewhere in the program, Prather slammed the corrupt Biden administration for continuing to send billions of taxpayer dollars to Afghanistan and Ukraine. This money, he added, arms ISIS and Al-Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan and neo-Nazi units in Ukraine.

Read more stories about people who are willing to fight for America at Patriot.news.

Watch the November 11 episode of “The Prather Point” below. “The Prather Point” with Jeffrey Prather airs every Friday at 10 a.m. and every Saturday at 7 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

More related stories:

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Dr. Mike Spaulding: Biden’s pullout from Afghanistan negatively impacted Christians in the country – Brighteon.TV.

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