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(Natural News)
A man by the name of Stewart Skirty who says he worked as a poll watcher in Scottsdale, Ariz., reported suspicious activity that lends credence to the widely held belief that more voter fraud took place this election cycle.

Skirty uploaded a video – watch below – explaining how things started out normal until later in the day when a “county technician arrived to check our equipment.”

“Everything was working fine until then,” he states.


Skirty describes what occurred as “tabulation voter suppression issues,” which were also reported in other parts of the county and state.

Some 25 percent of vote tabulation machines in Maricopa County, where Phoenix is located, were reportedly “not working” on Election Day. County officials blamed the problems on a “printer setting issue.”

It took many hours before that issue was “resolved,” but by then it was already very late in the day, leaving little time for voters to cast their votes before the polls closed.

The campaign of Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake requested that the polls stay open later because of the “glitch,” but that request for an extension was denied by a judge. (Related: Is Katie Hobbs trying to steal the election from Kari Lake?)

The Maricopa County Elections Department issued a statement via video – see below – talking about what occurred there on Election Day:

Republican Party cries foul, says Maricopa County disenfranchised GOP voters

It was reported later in the day on Election Day that the issue with the printers was “resolved” by “county technicians” who “changed the printer settings.” But according to Skirty, the issues started after these county technicians arrived, so what really happened?

At this point, it is difficult to answer that question definitively. All we know is that about 60 voting centers in Maricopa County experienced these mysterious problems, with printers “not producing dark enough timing marks on the ballots.”

“This solution has worked at 17 locations, and technicians deployed throughout the county are working to resolve this issue at the remaining locations,” reads a statement issued the day of the election.

The Republican Party, meanwhile, has come forward with claims that GOP voters were disenfranchised by the issue, which was not resolved in a way that favored their candidates.

“The Republican Party of Arizona has partnered with Big Data Polling to conduct exit polling on Arizona voters following the 2022 Midterms General Election,” reads a statement from the Republican Party of Arizona. “Data from November 1st, 2022, through November 8th, 2022, indicates that Republican voters were disproportionately and negatively impacted while voting in Arizona’s GOP strongholds.”


“Exit polling shows that a low of 10 percent to a high of 17 percent of total turnout is Election Day Drop Offs. To be clear, that is defined as a voter who physically delivered their mail-in ballot to a polling station on Election Day. While historic, the publicly reported information showing a 13% drop-off rate correlates with our exit poll data.”

That same statement goes on to claim that Maricopa County utterly failed to prepare for “a historic day of turnout,” particularly among Republicans who were expected to show up and create a “red wave” that, possibly due to fraud, never materialized.

In the comment section, one person noted that the new narrative when questioning these types of “anomalies” is that anyone who does so is an “election denier.” The same thing happened to people who pointed out that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic was a fraud, as they were dubbed “covid deniers.”

You will find more stories about 2022 midterms election fraud at Rigged.news.

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