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(Natural News)
Several European countries called for an end to sending money to Ukraine and bankrolling Kyiv’s ongoing war effort against Russia.

Hungary led the charge by blocking €18 billion ($18.6 billion) in financial aid the European Commission planned to send. This threw a wrench into the plans of Brussels, as the money cannot go to Kyiv without the full approval of all 27 European Union member countries as per budget rules.

“We will certainly not support any kind of joint EU borrowing in this field,” Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto told a newspaper in his home country. According to the minister, it had already spent hundreds of millions of euros to support health, education and cultural institutions in Ukraine. Szijjarto added that Budapest earlier supported the EU’s joint borrowing during the pandemic.

In response, leaders of various EU nations joined Brussels in denouncing Budapest. Mainstream media outlets also pointed their fingers at Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who they accused of repeatedly neglecting EU norms and attempting to woo Russian President Vladimir Putin in the past.

Hungary is not the only nation opposing further funding to Ukraine.

An estimated 100,000 Italians protested in the capital Rome, calling on the government of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to stop sending weapons to Ukraine. Numerous Catholic associations, trade unions and peace groups reportedly organized the demonstration.

In Greece, workers in the capital Athens went on a day-long strike to denounce soaring inflation and skyrocketing energy prices as a result of sanctions imposed by the West on Moscow. The laborers in Athens were backed by unions such as the General Confederation of Greek Workers and ADEDY, which represents civil servants.


Meanwhile, in the Czech Republic, around 70,000 people took to the streets to denounce Prague for its role in the energy crisis. The participants called on the government to maintain direct gas contracts with Russia to solve the ongoing energy crisis. (Related: 70,000 protesters swarm Prague in protest of energy crisis: “Europe on the brink.”)

Even the GOP is tired of sending money to Kyiv

Professor Joe Siracusa, an expert on American politics at Curtin University in Western Australia, said the Hungarians and Italians “have every right” to voice their opposition to continued funding toward Ukraine.

“There’s going to be more of it,” he remarked. “I think every nation in Europe is going to do what they think they have to do to survive the winter and to get on with life.”

But according to Siracusa, Republican lawmakers in the U.S. – set to take control of the House of Representatives in January 2023 – are also tired of allocating huge amounts of money for Kyiv. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said the GOP won’t give a “blank check” to Kyiv. The expert remarked that McCarthy, who is gunning for the House speaker position, will have a “very, very important” role.

“Republicans will win the House of Representatives. They’re in control of the purse – and they can make sure that the House, where all money bills originate, will not give Ukraine another penny,” he said.

“If you don’t control the House, and all you need is 218 votes, you don’t need a red wave. You don’t need a 30- [or] 40-seat majority. All you need is one vote, and they got 218. Winning the House is more important than winning the Senate.”

While Siracusa pointed out that the GOP was “hesitating before the [midterm] election,” he continued that there is only so much Washington can give to Kyiv before the former’s arsenal becomes empty.

The expert ultimately referenced remarks by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who said that “as far as she … and a number of Republicans are concerned, Ukraine is not an ally and Russia is not an enemy.”

WWIII.news has more stories about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

Watch Stew Peters urges the GOP to fulfill their promise of ending further funding for Ukraine when they take control of the House.

This video is from the Leona Wind channel on Brighteon.com.

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Czechs protest in Prague demanding neutrality, government action over energy crisis.

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