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(Natural News)
Jason Sullivan, a specialist in social media and Twitter, developed a social media monitoring algorithm called “J6 DELETED” that has blown the lid on the so-called “insurrection” that took place on Jan. 6, 2021, after Joe Biden “won” the election.

Sullivan was subpoenaed in 2018 by the special counsel investigating the accusation at the time that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia. Sullivan would become the lead investigative consultant to the former president’s legal team, during which he made some interesting discoveries.

In an interview, Sullivan revealed that certain influencers colluded with Twitter employees and leadership to steer the insurrection narrative. This would ensure that only the globalist-approved narrative went “viral” on the social media platform. (Related: By all appearances, the January 6 “insurrection” was an FBI false flag event.)

“We’ve created an algorithm that enables us to determine which tweets are on a trajectory of becoming a viral event,” Sullivan said.

“We are watching social media intelligence in real-time, all day, every day, based on specific search terms, key phrases, and hashtags. Our algorithm can tell us exactly how much traction a particular tweet is receiving and how often people are reciprocating, such as liking and retweeting. When it meets a certain threshold, we are automatically alerted.”

The world was “rupared” on January 6 by VOX editor Aaron Rupar

Leading up to January 6, Sullivan went on to explain that he and others were actively monitoring and controlling every viral event that took place that day in relation to the word “Trump.” All such content was immediately flagged.


“We were listening to people who were trending,” Sullivan added. “We were listening to people who were leaking things. We were listening to people who were seeding disinformation.”

“What we discovered is that there were trends that clearly indicated there was going to be some type of false flag operation on January 6.”

A careful probing of all captured content revealed to Sullivan and his team that Twitter was, in fact, systematically removing content to steer the narrative, which we know ultimately steered the outcome as well.

“I want to make it perfectly clear that we conducted this sting operation,” Sullivan said about the captured tweets, which were admitted as exculpatory evidence in a case against Twitter.

“We have it all. We have all of the tweets and all of the exculpatory evidence Twitter thinks it scrubbed from the internet. We have them all.”

The J6 Deleted document trove was then produced from all that evidence. It is available to the public for viewing at J6Deleted.com.

One of the influencers who Sullivan and his team caught spreading misinformation that day was Aaron Rupar, an associate editor at VOX. Rupar created no less than 18 tweets that went viral that day, which contributed to the rampant spread of misinformation.

Such information was then used by the likes of Stacey Abrams and Oprah Winfrey to spread the information further and codify it as truth even though it was all lies.

Rupar is so well known for spreading misinformation that his last name is now recognized as both a verb and a noun in Urban Dictionary, the meaning being “to lie with impunity; a brazen statement with a focus on misleading, usually with intention of a predetermined outcome.”

Another misinformation spreader was a professor at Harvard University by the name of Lawrence Tribe, who spread at least eight viral Twitter posts on January 6, most of which insulted and berated Trump as the responsible party.

The latest news about Twitter and the rest of Silicon Valley’s misinformation shenanigans and obsession with lying can be found at BigTech.news.

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