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(Natural News)
By the time the third (and now fourth?) injections for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) came around, most men, Hispanics, and blacks had already figured out the scam and said no way, José. Most white women, though, were eager to get triple injected, a new poll has found.

YouGov and The Economist surveyed 1,500 adult citizens across the United States, posing a series of questions and statements aimed at taking a pulse on the demographic compliance with the plandemic.

One of the question sections centered around determining who got single, double, and triple injected for the Fauci Flu was based on skin color, education level, and sex. Overwhelmingly, white women – and especially college educated white women – showed the most compliance (see p.69 of the above-linked document containing the survey results).

While only 55 percent of blacks and 42 percent of Hispanics say they got triple jabbed, 70 percent of white women who graduated from college say they rolled up their sleeves three separate times for a needling.

White women with no degree still outpaced the other groups with a 62 percent compliance rate with the triple injection scheme.

Only slightly more than half of all white men, meanwhile – college educated or not – agreed to take three injections from the government and Big Pharma. (Related: Right before the plandemic, another poll found that nearly three-quarters of the country is fully expecting another civil war.)

Are men and minorities smarter than white women when it comes to believing the government and Big Pharma?

These results are astounding because they show once again that those most prone to falling for government and pharmaceutical industry lies are the very same people seen at the Women’s March and Black Lives Matter (BLM) events protesting against their own offspring and their own skin color.


White women are the quickest, the data shows, to fall for the “scientific” words of people like Tony Fauci and Rochelle Walensky, who pretend to have our best interests at heart while they sell the country down the river and commit mass genocide.

A closer look at the data from YouGov / The Economist shows that early on, all kinds of people fell for the first injection. A smaller number fell for the second injection and an even smaller number than that fell for the third.

In each case, however, white women showed the highest percentage of compliance while men and minorities quickly tapered off with each subsequent injection that was introduced as part of Operation Warp Speed.

Just to be clear: We know there are plenty of white women out there who did not fall for the plandemic scam. Many of them were speaking out against mass vaccination, mandatory masking, and the many other restrictive protocols that were forced on the masses since the beginning of 2020.

At the same time, many more white women were on the wrong side of the fight, supporting the mandates and restrictions with prejudice. It is these women who kept our country under lock and key while businesses failed and lives were destroyed.

The numbers get a little fuzzier after the third shot. A question about wanting more than three shots immediately was answered in the affirmative by one in four white men who graduated college and almost one in four women who graduated college.

Roughly half of both men and women who graduated college say they want more than three shots eventually, while a similar number of Hispanics agree. Only blacks seem to be opposed to more than three injections, with only 44 percent of those polled indicating that they would like to get a fourth shot at some point in the future.

To keep up with the latest news about the demise of the “fully vaccinated,” be sure to check out Genocide.news.

Sources for this article include:



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