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(Natural News)
The leader of Italy’s right-wing League party has broken the ranks and decided enough is enough when it comes to economic sanctions against Russia.

Matteo Salvini, whose party is slated for a massive win in the upcoming September 25 election, says that cutting off Russian energy is only hurting Italy and its people, who are having to pay double, triple, or even quadruple the price for what little energy remains.

The only thing sanctions against Russia are doing, Salvini argues, is driving Europeans to “their knees” with exorbitant energy bills and dwindling energy supplies.

“Several months have passed and people are paying two, three, even four times more for their bills,” Salvini said during an interview with RTL radio. “And after seven months, the war continues and Russian Federation coffers are filling with money.”

The globalist policy of Ukraine First will be the undoing of not just Italy buy the entire West. Benefitting from all this is Russia, of course, while Western civilization crumbles under the oppression of globalist anti-Russia policy.

Western economic sanctions have created a $140 billion export surplus for Russia

To be clear, Salvini is still playing the support Ukraine game, indicating that he is not pro-Russia. At the same time, he does not want continued sanctions against Russia “to harm those who impose them more than those who are hit by them.”

The nearby Czech Republic is similarly being harmed by sanctions against Russia, which is why tens of thousands of protesters converged on Prague over the weekend in protest of their government’s handling of the situation.


Salvini does not want to see the Italian people suffer this winter and beyond because their politicians are determined to collapse the economy in order to own Putin.

Virtually all of Salvini’s opponents, as well as the current ruling party of Italy, are opposed to what he is suggesting. All of them want to keep Italy in freefall collapse mode, which is picking up speed the longer this continues.

At a recent gathering of Italy’s political leaders on Lake Como, Salvini explained that Russia currently has an export surplus of $140 billion, which is a direct result of Western sanctions.

Western leaders, in other words, are helping Russia by pretending to fight Russia. And the people of the West are still too comfortable or distracted to notice, let alone care.

Sure, there are some who see the writing on the wall and are preparing for the inevitable collapse of Western civilization under the weight of all this globalist infighting. The rest are woefully blind to what is about to happen to them and their families once the lights go out.

“We remain deeply, proudly, and firmly rooted in a free and democratic West that opposes war and aggression,” Salvini added in a politically correct statement about how he still believes in standing behind Ukraine.

“But if we adopt an instrument to hurt the aggressor and after seven months of war it has not been hurt, at least considering a change seems legitimate to me.”

Rather than sanctions, Salvini would like to see a “shield” or a “parachute” of protection for the Italian people.

“The only emergency in this moment are electricity and gas bills,” he said. “It is serious that one side of politics does not understand this,” adding that the energy crisis is now “a continental” problem in addition to a national one.

Salvini’s critics, meanwhile, are calling him “Putin’s puppet” and other derogatory words, all because he is trying to stand up for the Italian people and cheap and abundant energy.

The collapse of Western civilization is now in full swing. To keep up with the latest, visit Collapse.news.

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