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(Natural News)
Impaired immunity is about the worst “side effect” from COVID vaccines that the majority of Americans would want to avoid, not run towards, seeing as how so many people are already suffering from obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia. Fear of COVID outweighed the fear of this because people have been brainwashed by their televisions, their newspapers and those pharma-shilling websites, so they run out and get jabbed up with Fauci Flu shots to try to save themselves from sure destruction, when that ironically is what they are injected with.

The already-immune-compromised “sheeple” are getting “shot” up with millions of toxic prions (that keep multiplying as mRNA) that drive chronic inflammation, while devastating the immune system, which in turn exacerbates their current health “conditions,” (preventable diseases and disorders), and sometimes to the point of “unexplainable” sudden death.

Is it too late for the injected sheeple? Can they sue? Will the next “flu” kill them all off, or will it be unexplainable, sudden-inflicted myocarditis? Are all the microscopic blood clots the REASON for the heart irregularities, cancer reemergence and spontaneous abortions? This deserves careful consideration. Time to take an inside look.

Famous radio show host Dan Bongino says now says the COVID jab is his “greatest regret” and the “biggest mistake of my life”

While fighting cancer with chemicals that spread cancer, Dan Bongino went and did the unthinkable – he got “vaccinated” with millions of prions that cause all of the body system issues that literally fuel cancer development, including inflammation, immune system dysfunction, pollution of the cleansing organs and massive stress. That’s why health advocates avoid the Fauci Flu shots like the plague, and that’s why they’re nicknamed “clot shots” and “death stabs.”


Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, just blew the whistle on the establishment, the vaccine industrial complex, and he says he fell for the ploy because he was “scared.” Well, fear is big business in America, and Pharma is running the whole gamut, play by play.

As Tucker Carlson revealed on Fox News (he’s the only real truth seeker left at the network), the COVID vaccine’s suppression of the immune system has a “wide range of consequences, not the least of which include the reactivation of latent viral infections and the reduced ability to effectively combat future infections.”

Let that sink in for a minute … “the reduced ability to effectively combat future infections.” Isn’t that cancer? That’s the last thing any person fighting cancer should ever do to their body, but it’s the first thing everyone jumped to do that lost the virus mania “fear” battle with their (fake news) television and the highly corrupt CDC – Centers for Disease Continuance.

There’s a huge black hole for the COVID-vaccine-injured sheeple who hope to win lawsuits trying to sue anyone who pushed the vaccines on them

Law firms are litigating more vaccine-related injury claims than ever before in the history of vaccines, but that doesn’t mean they’re winning the cases or even gaining settlements for their clients. Big Pharma and crooked Congress have created a massive wall, a legal barrier, to protect their own interests and agenda in depopulation and population control. How? They can’t be sued for injury, wrong-doing, conspiring to kill – anything. The entire industry (the vaccine industrial complex) is immune from the Constitution.

Law firms are covered up trying to handle all the vaccine-related injury cases that involve people suddenly suffering from blood clots and cardiac inflammation. In fact, these lawyers are so covered up with filings, while gaining little traction as far as winning cases or money, that they’re starting to turn people away, saying “you have the right to file” but that you also “have the right to lose.”

Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis, chronic inflammation and post-vaccine-regret.

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