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(Natural News)
Just one year ago, crisis actor and TV “doctor” Leana Wen was pushing all Americans to obey every single Fauci Flu mandate 100 percent, like a pandemic dictator, who claimed citizens have no right to leave their home, travel, remain unvaccinated or unmasked at any time, for any reason whatsoever. Dr. Wen is a paid crisis actor who toes the line for Big Pharma and reads the CDC “script” word for word with much enthusiasm and emotion, convincing the populace she’s well-studied and everything she regurgitates is “science-backed.” Unfortunately for her, along with millions of American stooges, she followed her own advice, and masked up her little son daily, retarding his language development. So what now?

Crisis actor Dr. Leana Wen claimed going unvaccinated or unmasked is like driving drunk, but now her toddler son struggles with language development

With absolutely ZERO scientific evidence to prove masking helped prevent contracting or spreading Fauci Flu, television crisis actors and CDC-script-rehearsed doctors swore up and down the science was settled. Anyone who doesn’t wear a mask is “anti-science” they swore, while they pushed experimental clot shots on everyone. It did not take long for the shills to make kids and toddlers wear masks all day at daycare, kindergarten and at every elementary school.

It didn’t matter that little kids touch their bacteria-breeding masks all day long, pulling at it, coughing and sneezing into it, dropping it on the floor, touching the same toys and materials as the other kids, putting the mask back on, and all while the adults pretend it’s important to keeping them safe from the lab-concocted Wuhan flu. Sure.


Now, crisis actor Dr. Leana Wen is singing an entirely different tune. Now it’s all about individual choice, because she’s a “doctor,” and she must know what’s best for her child, after she realized the masking of her toddler caused him to suffer language development deficiencies. It’s highly possible the clot shot gene-mutation injections also caused brain damage and the retardation of learning during such a critically important developmental stage.

Dr. Wen’s 2-year-old son wore a COVID mask too much and now suffers language development disorder

When teachers and students wear masks all day, several learning platforms and strategies are severely diminished and go out the window, all day. For starters, it sounds like everyone is mumbling with a bag over their head. Low-talking children are already hard to hear, and now their peers can’t hear them at all.

So much for collaboration and teamwork. Plus, when you can’t see someone’s mouth moving, it’s harder to understand what they’re saying, especially if they are also social distancing. Also, body language includes many expressions shown by the mouth and cheeks, like smiling, serious looks, frowning and so on. This is detrimental to a healthy, learning environment, but the pandemic shills never cared about any of that, until their own kids ended up damaged.

Once the crisis actor realized that her child was suffering developmentally, she changed her entire mantra about every pandemic mandate, claiming that nothing was stopping the spread of Omicron variant, and that containment of COVID-19 “was not reachable.” So she changed her mind about all Americans being under government rule regarding masks, forced vaccination, social distancing, lockdowns and quarantines, and now suddenly believes in individual choice. So now it’s okay for everyone to “drive drunk?”

Dr. Wen says getting vaccinated for Fauci Flu is just as important as putting your child in a car seat and teaching them how to swim, but suddenly, wearing a mask all day is severely detrimental to a child’s health and learning development? But, the science!

Obviously, none of the mandates were based on science. Wen is anti-mask now, but can’t say it on television, because she’s a paid crisis actor. Well, not anymore. The shills and the CDC have all but fired her from her gig now, since she’s not following the scripted narrative with 100 percent compliance. The sad truth is that masking up and getting those clot shots for COVID is reckless endangerment, putting all humans, including kids and toddlers, at high risk of health and learning impairments. Oops.

Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” and pandemic masks that cause health detriment from which one may never recover.

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