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(Natural News)
A Canadian man who spoke his mind about Scotiabank’s LGBT “rainbow” flag display on its smartphone app has been sent to the back of the bus – meaning no more banking allowed.

According to reports, Gary Duke, a resident of Alberta, asked Scotiabank if there was any way to remove the perversion-saturated symbology from his banking app, to which he received the following message:

“Your comments are not appreciated nor will they be tolerated which is why we have chosen to terminate our relationship with you.”

Duke told his story to Rebel News host David Menzies, who interviewed Duke about the scandal.

Menzies presented a screenshot of the email that Duke sent, as well as the response he received from bank manager Mitchell Tofte.

“Scotiabank strives to provide an inclusive environment for all members of the LGBTQ+ community, which includes displaying ‘rainbows on our app’ during ‘Pride Month,’” the banking corporation added. (Related: Canada has been aggressively pushing LGBT perversion for many years now.)

Duke was then told by Scotiabank that his “request / complaint will not be entertained as i[t] does not align with our principles.”

Don’t let corporations discriminate against you, America

Duke was given a small window of time to transfer his funds to another bank. Any money left after the deadline would be “put into a bank draft and mailed to the address we have on file.”

“I think it’s the culture in general that we have right now,” Duke explained to Rebel News about his mistreatment by Scotiabank – which in the United States, at least, is against the law.


Such drastic action over a simple request demonstrates the pervasive rot of “wokeism” in Canadian culture, which is rapidly spreading across America as well.

It turns out that Canadian banks are routinely on the wrong side of things, as many of them also discriminated against “non-compliant” customers and employees throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic.

Customers without a face mask were discriminated against while employees who did not or could not show proof of “vaccination” were denied equal service and treatment.

Earlier in the year when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the never-before-used Emergencies Act to try to quench the “Freedom Convoy” protests, banks like Scotiabank were right there to go along with Trudeau’s directive that the bank accounts of attendees and participants be frozen.

Since that time, trust in Canadian financial institutions has plummeted as customers seek alternatives such as cryptocurrency that are private and decentralized (at least in theory).

In the comment section at LifeSiteNews, one person shared a quote from Fulton J. Sheen that serves as a warning to U.S. residents and citizens to never tolerate this type of thing here on our soil:

“America, it is said, is suffering from intolerance – it is not. It is suffering from tolerance. Tolerance of right and wrong, truth and error, virtue and evil, Christ and chaos. Our country is not nearly so overrun with the bigoted as it is overrun with the broadminded.”

Another warned that the “tolerance gestapo” needs to be fought against at every turn, which is as easy as taking your business elsewhere if a company turns LGBT fascist like Scotiabank has.

“Take your business elsewhere but make sure you tell them why you are leaving,” this person wrote. “I am also tired of that stuff showing up on my phone, computer etc. I don’t get why one fringe minority group can have so much influence. It’s time to stand up against the grooming of our children.”

The latest news about the LGBT takeover of the world can be found at Transhumanism.news.

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