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(Natural News)
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the lower court’s decision in Franciscan Alliance v Becerra that protects doctors from having to perform “gender affirmation” surgeries against their conscience and sincerely held religious beliefs.

The federal appeals court effectively blocked a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate, stemming from an Obamacare edict that was issued six years ago, that would have forced some 19,000 physicians who are part of the Franciscan Alliance, a Catholic health care network, to mutilate people’s bodies both for LGBT and abortion-related purposes.

The unanimous ruling affirms the lower court’s order “permanently enjoining [HHS] from requiring Franciscan Alliance to perform gender-reassignment surgeries or abortions in violation of its sincerely held religious beliefs,” this being a noteworthy victory for health freedom.

In response, the government is arguing that it needs more time to prove that doctors should be ruled over with an iron fist when it comes to “woke” medicine. For now, though, Franciscan physicians can rest easy knowing that they are still protected from the mandate. (Related: Keep in mind that transgender mutilation is permanent.)

“This ruling is a major victory for conscience rights and compassionate medical care in America,” said Joseph Davis, counsel at Becket, a non-profit, public interest legal and educational institution that fights for religious liberty.

“Doctors cannot do their jobs and comply with the Hippocratic Oath if the government requires them to perform harmful, irreversible procedures against their conscience and medical expertise.”


In a free country, doctors aren’t forced to mutilate children’s bodies in order to stay licensed

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), Barack Hussein Obama’s brainchild, made these types of mandates possible. It began with abortion and has since moved into the realm of transgenderism and so-called “gender affirming” care.

The argument is that mutilating one’s body is a “human right.” And doctors, the government argues, should be forced to provide that human right, otherwise they are “transphobic” and unworthy of holding a medical license.

As explained by Becket, had the court ruling gone the other way, doctors at Franciscan would have been forced to cut off little girls’ breasts, for instance, and remove little boys’ genitalia – even if doing so goes against conscience and even just professional medical judgment.

When the government first tried to mandate that doctors perform these vile procedures, a grouping of religious organizations along with nine states filed suit, receiving protection from federal courts both in North Dakota and Texas. This latest ruling represents another significant victory.

“For years, our clients have provided excellent medical care to all patients who need it,” Davis added. “Today’s ruling ensures that these doctors and hospitals may continue to do this critical work in accordance with their conscience and professional medical judgment.”

Other doctors outside the Franciscan network who object to gender affirmation perversion need to do the same thing that these plaintiffs did – otherwise the tyranny will continue.

“Unfortunately, gender dysphoria and LGBT perversion is on the rise as more chemicals are invented by scientists (read Slow Death by Rubber Duck) and more hybrid foods like new GMOs (genetically modified organisms) get released,” added a commenter at Natural News.

“There is zero informed consent in all trans procedures,” added another. “People are told they will be happy if they ‘transition,’ and doctors are expected to comply with permanently destroying their patients’ bodies. Transitioning will not actually solve any problems, but people are pushed into thinking that.”

More of the latest news about the transgender cult and the push to forcibly convert everyone into its ranks can be found at Transhumanism.news.

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