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(Natural News)
Almost immediately after Russian state media boasted this week that President Vladimir Putin could wipe out the East Coast of the United States with nuclear weapons, New York City released a public service announcement about how New Yorkers should respond to a nuclear blast.

The 90-second clip, which was released by NYC’s Emergency Management Department, instructs New Yorkers to “get inside, stay inside and stay tuned” – almost as if this is all being planned in advance.

“So there’s been a nuclear attack,” the clip begins. “Don’t ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit. Okay. So what do we do?”

This strange wording is followed by even more strange wording about how the likelihood of a nuclear weapon incident occurring in or near the Big Apple is low, but that it is “important New Yorkers know the steps to stay safe” in the event that one occurs.

Several “key, simple steps” are then presented in addition to the message about going inside, staying there, and waiting for further instructions from the cell phone, computer or television.

“Do not go outside until officials say it’s safe,” the video warns, urging residents against trying to go to their cars.

“If you were outside after the blast, get clean immediately,” it continues. “Remove and bag all outer clothing, to keep radioactive dust or ash away from your body.”

NYC residents who have a basement are encouraged to go there immediately. If they do not have a basement, then they are told to “duck and cover” like they were taught in school.


At the end of the video, the woman host states ominously: “Alright. You’ve got this.”

How much longer will America poke the bear before it comes out of hibernation?

Back in April, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned against continued NATO intervention in Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine. He definitively used the words nuclear war in discussing the potential consequences if the United States and other anti-Russia entities refuse to back off.

It appears as though the U.S. has no intentions of backing off, so now Russia, via its state-owned media outlets, is issuing another warning. Will the U.S. listen this time, or put millions of New Yorkers at risk of a nuclear attack?

With just four missiles, Russian media claims, NYC could be blown off the map in an instant, we are told. Are New Yorkers even aware of the potential consequences of their government poking the bear that is the Russian Federation?

Alexei Zhuravlev, a member of the Russian parliament, just warned that “there will be nothing left” on the U.S. East Coast if Russia deploys its new Sarmat 2 nuclear weapon. The resulting mushroom cloud, he said, will be “visible from Mexico.”

Just so we are clear, Zhuravlev’s “nothing left” statement pertains to the entire country – two nukes for the East Coast and two for the West Coast. This would not just be an isolated incident in the Big Apple.

“They think the mushroom cloud will be taller than a high rise,” Zhuravlev boasted.

“Don’t delude yourselves. What should be said is that there’ll be nothing left, no one harbors any illusions about it, that everyone will be fine in case of nuclear war. No one will be fine, but calculate it correctly.”

The Sarmat 2 is a latest-generation nuclear missile that can supposedly carry up to 15 hypersonic warheads that Putin claims can evade all current missile defense systems.

More of the latest news about a possible nuclear war situation occurring on American soil can be found at NuclearWar.news.

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