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(Natural News)
In the summer, camping is a great way to take advantage of the warm weather and embrace the great outdoors as well as a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, camping can be uncomfortable once the sun reaches its zenith.

Knowing how to stay cool while camping is an essential skill that will greatly increase your enjoyment and prevent dehydration, heat stroke and other heat-related health problems.

Here’s how you can stay cool while camping this summer: (h/t to PreppersWill.com)

1. Bring a tent air conditioner

A portable air conditioner can keep your tent cool on hot days and nights. You can connect portable air conditioners to a power source or hook them up to a generator. Some are also battery-operated for those who prefer off-the-grid camping.

With a tent air conditioner, you won’t wake up feeling dehydrated and uncomfortable.

2. Use a cool tent

Most tents are made of synthetic fabrics, which are often either polyester- or nylon-based. Synthetic fabrics are more insulating, meaning they trap heat better. For summer camping trips, it’s better to use cotton tents. Cotton is a breathable fabric that can even absorb water. This means you’re unlikely to have an issue with condensation. It can also last a long time and is more resistant to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Plus, cotton tents are quiet even if there’s a breeze.

For a cooler tent, open up any vents, windows or doors during the day to catch passing breezes. You can also take it a step further by facing your tent door in the direction the wind is blowing.


3. Pitch your tent in the shade

One of the best ways to keep your tent cool is to set up camp where there’s shade. Pitch your tent in a shaded area with plenty of trees and vegetation so that the sun isn’t bearing down directly on it.

Studies have shown that it’s cooler under trees because they intercept sunlight and are constantly undergoing a process called transpiration. The roots of trees actually only need a small amount of water. During transpiration, excess water is released as water vapor from the tree’s leaves. This process draws energy from sunlight, as well as the hot air surrounding the leaves, thereby providing a cooling effect.

4. Try hammock camping

Another easy way you can stay cool while camping is sleeping in a hammock. Tie a hammock between two trees and elevate it enough so you can enjoy a pleasant breeze above and below you.

Make sure to use a good-quality hammock that’s lightweight but durable enough to hang.

5. Drink water

On hot days, it’s important to have plenty of available drinking water. Make sure you know about your campsite’s water access and use insulated water bottles if possible to keep your water cool.

If you’re planning on doing outdoor activities like going on hikes, you should drink three to four glasses of water before the activity. Drink one to two glasses of water every 10 to 15 minutes while hiking to avoid dehydration. (Related: 6 Ways to prevent dehydration in a survival scenario.)

6. Use proper clothing

Wearing proper clothes can help you stay cool when camping in hot weather. Wear shorts and light-colored shirts or tank tops. Light colors reflect the heat so that you don’t feel hot. To protect your face and the back of your neck from the sun, wear a lightweight and breathable hat with a wide brim. If you’re going hiking, use hiking sandals to prevent sweat from building up in your shoes and blisters from forming on your feet.

It’s possible to camp in hot weather and stay cool while doing so. For a more enjoyable camping trip, follow the tips above.

Go to Preparedness.news for more articles with tips on how to camp safely and what items to take with you.

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