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(Natural News)
Disturbing video footage captured by the animal rights group Humane Society of the United States shows puppies being force-fed toxic chemical drugs as part of experiments at Inotiv Inc.’s testing lab at Mount Vernon, Ind.

Workers at the company were reportedly assigned to oversee some 70 different toxicity studies commissioned by more than 12 different Big Pharma companies, all of which are using beagle puppies and monkeys to test their newest drug compounds.

More than 6,000 of the poor animals are being held in cages, and footage shows that workers are forcing feeding tubes down their throats to inject the poisons. One clip shows a puppy whimpering and shaking before collapsing on the floor. (Related: Tony Fauci is also tied to cruel drug experiments on beagle puppies.)

“The investigator witnessed dogs continuing to be given doses of substances, even when they were vomiting, shaking and had high fevers and labored breathing,” a statement from the Humane Society investigation reads.

Big Pharma is the epitome of evil

Another disturbing portion of the video depicts monkeys tied up in boxes with only their heads sticking out of holes at the top. Their paws are seen strapped below so they cannot fight back as workers shoved drugs down their throats.

“I’m so sorry, lady, maybe this will be your final dose,” one of the workers is heard while the monkeys wail in pain from the pharmaceutical drugging. “I kind of hope it is because it’s torture at this point.”

One of the investigators said that during the investigation, which took place from August 2021 to March 2022, at least two of the monkeys accidentally hanged themselves while in the restraint boxes.


At the conclusion of the research, the animals were killed and cut open for dissection to see what toxic effects the drugs had on their bodies.

Such horrors are too gruesome to show here so this writer will refrain from sharing any images or clips from the footage. Suffice it to say that the Humane Society is doing the Lord’s work in demanding that Inotiv Inc. immediately release all remaining animals and put them up for adoption.

There are said to be about 82 beagles left at the facility that are slated to be euthanized unless an intervention stops this from happening.

“The disturbing findings at this facility cannot be ignored,” says Kitty Block, CEL and President of the Humane Society of the United States.

“We are calling for the release of beagles we know are suffering in the lab today and soon to be euthanized, but that is just the start of our work.”

According to Inotiv, it has to continue drugging, torturing, and killing animals because it is legally required by the United States government to do so in order to develop “lifesaving medicines.”

A statement written to the Journal and Courier claims that Inotiv exists to “help our clients realize the full potential of their scientific and medical research.”

In the comment section at the Daily Star, one person wrote that this is sociopathy in action, and something she has come to expect from the U.S. and the “horrible relationship” it has with animals.

“Suffer they do over there,” this person added about cold-hearted animal abuse in Big Pharma-controlled America.

“I hate people that do this,” wrote another. “I’d love to put them in the chair and do the same thing to them. They must have no feelings.”

Someone else said that this is barbaric and needs to stop and that there should be other better ways to test products that do not involve torturing and killing innocent animals.

More related news about Big Pharma’s cruelty against living things can be found at Evil.news.

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