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(Natural News)
There is a new crisis sweeping across America that could leave women (and apparently some men) without access to feminine hygiene products.

According to reports, drug store chains like CVS and Walgreens are having trouble keeping tampons in stock, as this is the latest item to be struck, we are told, by supply chain woes combined with skyrocketing inflation.

Multiple posts across social media depict consumers having trouble finding tampons and complaining about it.

“I just went to 5 different Walgreens [and] the shelves are cleared,” one person tweeted in distress.

“I had to go to three different stores to find the brand of tampons I like to use just to end up having to try another brand.”

On Reddit, another person posted about discovering empty shelves without tampons as far back as April. That person tried eight different stores, only to end up having to order the products “from Amazon at a noticeable markup.”

Maybe there would be more tampons available if Western men weren’t pretending to be women and using them all up?

On Twitter, Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) accused companies like Amazon of price gouging amid yet another crisis coinciding with the ongoing baby formula shortage.

“We’ve seen the reports: Tampons are becoming more expensive and scarcer on store shelves, and companies are profiting at record levels off a basic necessity,” Hassan wrote. “That’s absurd.”

“Today, I am calling on CEOs of the four major tampon producers to increase supply – not prices.”


According to Procter & Gamble (P&G), a major manufacturer of tampons, the new crisis is due to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), in part, because of the supply chain damage that was caused by the lockdowns.

Another factor taking blame is increased consumer demand – possibly from colleges and universities that are now choosing to stock tampons in men’s restrooms as well as women’s restrooms?

Whatever the case may be, tampons are becoming hard to get, thanks to what P&G says is a 7.7 percent increase in demand for the feminine hygiene product since 2020.

To help meet demand, the company’s Auburn, Maine, Tampax factory is churning out new tampons 24 hours a day, seven days a week, until supplies return to normal.

In a statement to ABC News, Walgreens indicated that there are “some temporary brand-specific shortages in certain geographies,” but that the pharmacy chain is working “diligently” to try to overcome them.

“While we will continue to have products at shelf and online, it may only be in specific brands while we navigate the supply disruption,” the company said.

“And, for customers looking for a specific product or brand, our website is up-to-date with the latest available store-level inventory information.”

In a similar statement, CVS said it is working with suppliers to ensure an “ample supply” of tampons.

“In recent weeks, there have been instances when suppliers haven’t been able to fulfill the full quantities of orders placed,” the company said.

“If a local store is temporarily out of specific products, we work to replenish those items as quickly as possible.”

In the comment section at The Epoch Times, one person speculated that the next product to disappear or run short will probably be baby diapers.

“Stock up while you can,” this person wrote, adding that “diapers store well.”

“Just like a false witness, she lies and blames the companies instead of her boss, Joe Biden,” wrote another about Hassan’s Twitter complaint.

“He’s the one causing this problem because global warming is going to destroy the earth. Wrong! The anti-God Democrat Party is to blame.”

More of the latest news about Biden’s America can be found at Collapse.news.

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