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(Natural News)
The White House is already filling orders for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” for babies after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published fraudulent data suggesting the shots are “safe and effective” for little ones.

In order to justify “approval” for this demographic – it is actually just another “emergency use authorization” (EUA) that shields both the government and Big Pharma from liability for injuries and deaths – the FDA is greatly exaggerating the risk of COVID for infants and toddlers while simultaneously exaggerating the alleged safety and effectiveness of the injections.

The truth is that children have zero risk of dying from the Fauci Flu. They also have a virtually zero risk of ever testing positive and getting sick from the alleged disease – meaning they do not need any experimental chemical injections.

According to the FDA, though, babies need to be jabbed because of reasons, and the Biden regime agrees. Big Pharma agrees as well because this means more cash flow straight into the coffers.

“Infants and toddlers (and children in general) do not get COVID-19; they do not (yet) die from COVID-19,” wrote James Lyons-Weiler. “All that can change when antibody-dependent enhancement kicks in for the vaccinated.”

He continued: “For the entire population of children in the U.S. (73,000,000), the risk of COVID-19 infection since the onset of COVID is 10,700,000/73,000,000 = 0.14657. The risk of a child dying if they have a diagnosis is 1,086/10,700,00 or 1086/10700000 = 0.00010149532. The risk of any child dying of COVID-19 over this time period is 1,086/73000000 = 0.00001487671.”


FDA’s collusion with Big Pharma will kill many children

Another major flaw in the FDA’s data is the ever-shifting definition of the word “vaccinated.” According to Lyons-Weiler, the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and both Moderna and Pfizer are constantly redefining the word “vaccinated” to suit their agenda.

In this case, the trials cited by the FDA as “proof” that Fauci Flu shots are suitable for young children define the word “vaccinated” as someone who received both doses and who did not test “positive” for COVID before two weeks passed after the second exposure to the injection. (Related: Covid jabs are linked to autoimmune hepatitis in children.)

“In fact, that means that people who developed COVID-19 due to disease enhancement were dropped from the study calculations,” Lyons-Weiler explained.

“First, this is the first time people were dropped from a vaccine trial for getting infected with the pathogen targeted by the vaccine up to 13 or 14 days after being vaccinated,” he added.

“Second, it’s actually five entire weeks – one month and one week – after the first exposure. ALL of the vaccine efficacy being cited by the FDA is suspect.”

The FDA and Big Pharma also tampered with the concept of “vaccine efficacy” to puff up the data and make it appear as though the injections reduce the rate of transmission in children, as well as rates of infection, hospitalization and death.

Lyons-Weiler said that all of this, as well as data on neutralizing antibodies and other factors, is “used and cited in the FDA’s report whenever convenient, all in an ad-hoc manner.”

“It’s more than irritating,” he lamented. “It’s moving the goal post and represents reckless (and ineffective) attempts to manipulate public perception.”

All in all, the FDA’s assessment of the data is incomplete at best, and disingenuous and flat-out wrong at worst. But who cares, right? Just so long as the needles get into children’s arms, the regime and its Big Pharma bed buddies are all good.

The latest news about the continued Fauci Flu shot push by the Biden regime can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

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