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(Natural News)
Texas officials are now saying that a teacher at Robb Elementary School had actually closed the door after previously stating that the teacher had “propped open” a door used by gunman Salvador Ramos during last week’s deadly mass shooting.

The unnamed schoolteacher shut the door behind her, but the door “did not lock as it should,” Travis Considine, chief of communications with the Texas Department of Public Safety, told the media.

“We did verify she closed the door. The door did not lock. We know that much, and now investigators are looking into why it did not lock.”

Shooter entered building through a “propped open” door

A few days ago, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw stated during a news conference that the door was “propped open” and was eventually used by Ramos to gain entry into the building.

The 18-year-old Ramos shot and killed 19 children and two teachers during the killing spree.

“That back door was propped open. It wasn’t supposed to be propped open; it was supposed to be locked,” McCraw said. He added that the teacher saw Ramos crash his automobile and saw him come out with a gun, inciting a 911 call.

After calling 911, the schoolteacher “kicked the rock away when she went back in,” her attorney Don Flanary said in an interview with the San Antonio Express-News.

“She remembers pulling the door closed while telling 911 that he was shooting. She thought the door would lock because that door is always supposed to be locked,” said Flanary, who also stated that the door was seemingly being propped open by a rock.


Considine clarified to the media that the teacher did remove the rock before going back inside Robb Elementary School.

McCraw said security footage showed the back door of the school was propped open before the shooting and the gunman used it to enter the school before blockading himself in a classroom. McCraw described the person who propped open the door as a schoolteacher. He added that the teacher called the police at 11:30 a.m. after the gunman crashed his vehicle into a nearby ditch and fired at a passersby.

Three minutes later, McCraw stated the gunman entered the school through the door. The Texas Department of Public Safety didn’t respond right away to the employee’s calls.

Uvalde officials receive heavy criticism over police response

Since the shooting, officials in Uvalde have received heavy criticism over the police response after it was revealed during a news conference that it took more than an hour for law enforcement to enter the two adjacent classrooms where Ramos was hiding. (Related: Why did Uvalde police stand outside and do nothing while Texas shooter rampaged through Robb Elementary School?)

McCraw said the move to delay the police response “was the wrong decision.”

On Tuesday, May 31, the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, which represents police officers, asked its member officers to collaborate with “all government investigations” into the shooting and police response and endorsed a federal probe already declared by the Department of Justice.

The organization was also critical of the continually changing narrative of events about the shooting incident.

“There has been a great deal of false and misleading information in the aftermath of this tragedy. Some of the information came from the very highest levels of government and law enforcement. Sources that Texans once saw as iron-clad and completely reliable have now been proven false,” the association said.

Since last week’s mass shooting in Uvalde, the nation’s bloodiest at an elementary school since the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012, law-enforcement officials have made critical changes to the attack’s timeline about a dozen times.

Furious parents have questioned why it took over an hour for police officers in the school to face the gunman. The recent explanation from the public-safety department stuck the blame on  the school’s police chief who was apparently leading the response to the shooting.

McCraw stated the police chief declined to send police in because he thought no children were in peril.

Follow Shootings.news for more news about the Uvalde shooting in Texas.

Watch the video below to know why a new information about Uvalde shooting casts doubt on the official story.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Uvalde shooting: Federal marshals handcuffed mom for trying to save her children.

Texas cops saved their own kids while tackling and pepper-spraying parents who tried to do the same: Uvalde shooting.

Mother trying to save children at Uvalde was handcuffed by federal marshals.

Was the Uvalde school shooter previously arrested for plotting a “mass casualty” event in 2018?

Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED STAND DOWN operation – law enforcement saved their own children while parents were pepper-sprayed and handcuffed.

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