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(Natural News)
The global food crisis that many have warned about is already here.

Millions of people around the world will be seriously hungry, but what everyone is experiencing right now is just a small part of the problem and things will be much worse before the end of the year, according to some experts.

For instance, Gro Intelligence CEO Sara Menker has told the United Nations Security Council that the world is confronting a “seismic” crisis that will reach an extremely painful phase in about 10 weeks. According to Menker, the world has only 10 weeks’ worth of wheat remaining to deal with the food crisis.

“This is seismic. Even if the war were to end tomorrow, our food security problem isn’t going away anytime soon without concerted action,” Menker said during a special meeting of the UN Security Council.

And many others have already issued the same warnings. Maksim Oreshkin, who is a top aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, said a worldwide famine “will occur closer to autumn.”

“It is important that in the conditions, for example, of a global famine that will occur closer to autumn, by the end of this year all over the world, Russia should not suffer, but be fully provided with food,” Oreshkin stated.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, on the other hand, is warning that the war in his country is going to have a catastrophic effect all over the world.

“Russia has blocked almost all ports and all, so to speak, maritime opportunities to export food – our grain, barley, sunflower and more. A lot of things. There will be a crisis in the world. The second crisis after the energy one, which was provoked by Russia. Now it will create a food crisis if we do not unblock the routes for Ukraine, do not help the countries of Africa, Europe, Asia, which need these food products,” Zelensky said.


Global food shortages are worse than what was seen in 2011

Meanwhile, the head of the UN World Food Program, said the global food shortages are “worse” than anything that the world has seen back in 2011.

David Beasley, executive director of the UN World Food Program, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, warned that the world’s food security situations are “worse” than what was witnessed during the Arab Spring more than a decade ago.

He is specifically concerned about the lack of exports from Ukraine because that nation “normally feeds 400 million people.” (Related: Food crisis incoming: War in Ukraine threatening global food supplies, half a billion people at risk of hunger.)

“What happens when you take a nation [Ukraine] that normally feeds 400 million people and sideline that. It’s devastating to global food security,” Beasley said.

This crisis is really true and it is going to affect everyone on the entire planet.

And the truth is even before the Russia-Ukraine War started, the world was already heading toward a scary global food crisis and this was due to fertilizer prices skyrocketing. The war made it even worse due to the fact that Russia alone normally accounts for nearly 20 percent of all global nitrogen fertilizer exports.

In the United States, rising fertilizer prices are placing an exceptional amount of financial pressure on American farmers.

Most farmers in the western world will have no choice but to pay the higher prices. But in poorer nations around the world, it will be a far different story. Several farmers in those nations will either be considering cutting back on fertilizer or won’t be using any at all this year.

For this reason, food production will be going down and that means worldwide food supplies will collapse.

Some people believe that the hunger issue is just on the opposite side of the globe, but in reality, it is already beginning to get through some of the wealthiest countries.

A recent survey discovered that almost a quarter of all Britons are already “skipping meals” as inflationary stresses and a worsening food crisis merge into what the Bank of England calls an “apocalyptic” outlook for consumers.

And in America, the nationwide out-of-stock level for baby formula hit another alarming new high at 45 percent for the week ending on May 15, based on retail data firm Datasembly. According to Datasembly, baby formula shortages hit 30 percent in April before jumping to 40 percent at the end of the month. By early May, the out-of-stock rate increased to 43 percent.

Follow FoodCollapse.com for more news about the global food crisis.

Watch the video below to know how the food crisis is escalating.

This video is from the Wardo Rants channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

“We are on the precipice” (of a global food crisis).

World Bank says food crisis could be coming soon; already blaming Russia.

War correspondent Michael Yon warns: Food crisis will lead to global famine – Brighteon.TV.

FOOD CRISIS: David DuByne tells Mike Adams hunger looms as crops fail due to “grand solar minimum.”

BardsFM host Scott Kesterson: Looming food crisis is going to be global and Americans need to sow seeds and start gardening – Brighteon.TV.

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