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(Natural News)
The FBI’s fingerprints are all over the Buffalo mass shooting.

A local news report from the Buffalo News has linked a retired federal agent to the shooting because he apparently knew about it at least 30 minutes before it occurred.

The former agent, believed to be from Texas, is said to be under investigation for direct communications he had previously had with Payton Gendron, the alleged shooter. The former agent, along with at least six other individuals, engaged with Gendron in an online chat room “where racist hatred was discussed,” the Buffalo News reported.

Two law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the investigation were supposedly petitioned by Gendron to read about his mass shooting plans (why do these alleged shooters always seem to have full-length manifestos outlining in detail their future crimes?).

It is unclear at this point whether or not the retired agent accepted the invitation. What we are being told is that law enforcement is once again involved, which points to this potentially being yet another government false flag attack with suspicious roots (Related: Even the New York Times admits that the FBI is complicit in false flag activity).

“These were like-minded people who used this chat group to talk about their shared interests in racial hatred, replacement theory and hatred of anyone who is Jewish, a person of color or not of European ancestry,” claimed one of the two law enforcement officials said to be privy to this background information.

“What is especially upsetting is that these six people received advanced notice of the Buffalo shooting, about 30 minutes before it happened. The FBI has verified that none of these people called law enforcement to warn them about the shooting. The FBI database shows no advance tips from anyone that this shooting was about to happen.”


Chances are that law enforcement is behind the Buffalo shooting

The FBI said it is now attempting to track down these six people, including the retired agent, to conduct interviews. Two sources “with close knowledge of the probe” told the Buffalo News that the FBI could charge them as accomplices depending on what gets uncovered.

The identity of the federal agency and which department he worked in remains unknown because the sources are not disclosing it. The FBI’s Buffalo office is also refusing to comment on the investigation.

“If he had advance notice, he had a moral obligation to get on the phone and try to notify someone about it,” said John V. Elmore, a Buffalo civil rights attorney representing the family of Andre Mackniel, one of the victims who died at the scene of the crime while buying a birthday cake for his three-year-old son.

Terrence M. Connors, another attorney who is representing several other victims’ families, echoed the sentiment that law enforcement knew the shooting was going to take place before it happened but did nothing to try to stop it.

“As outrageous as this may sound, based upon what we are finding in our investigation, it is not surprising,” Connors said.

Like most of the other mass shootings that have been blasted across the headlines and airwaves over the years, the Buffalo shooting is replete with questionable circumstances that point to a coverup at best. At worst, the shooter was groomed by the very people who are supposed to protect society into committing mass murder.

“Imagine how bad the situation is, with foreign spies operating full throttle in the U.S., at numbers unheard of, while the FBI is busy proving itself incompetent, and staging coups,” wrote someone at Natural News back in 2020 when the depth of FBI corruption really started gaining traction amid the election scandal.

More related news can be found at FBICorruption.news.

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