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(Natural News)
A prominent globalist on the world stage, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” push is hardly his first medical fascism rodeo.

Back in 2018, Bourla appeared at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos where he openly fantasized about feeding people below him on the economic food chain microchip-laced pharmaceutical pills capable of communicating with the government.

Bourla explained that each tablet would contain a “biological chip” for tracking and surveillance purposes. Once consumed, dissolved and digested, the chip would tell the “authorities” that the drug was taken, ensuring compliance.

“So imagine the applications of that, the compliance,” Bourla said with a maniacal grin. “The insurance companies know that the medicines patients should take, they take them.”

You can watch Bourla giving his 2018 speech in the video below:

Bourla did not exactly receive positive feedback for these statements from anyone other than his fellow one-percenters. To this, Bourla responded that microchip-laced drugs are for the benefit of humanity, and could be used to treat “specific” conditions such as “schizophrenia and cancers.”

“‘Compliance’ he says – consumers are clearly not his customers; government bodies are,” tweeted someone in response to the video clip.

“And Pfizer is fully aligned with ‘compliance’ because it means more and more sales volume to their government customers.”


Israeli professor wants “total biometric surveillance” of the human herd in order “to monitor what’s happening under their skin”

It turns out that Bourla is hardly the only WEF globalist pushing for biometric tracking and surveillance. Yuval Noah Harari, a professor from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem‘s Department of History had this to say about the topic: “COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept and legitimize total biometric surveillance. We need to not just monitor people; we need to monitor what’s happening under their skin.”

A video clip of Harari can be viewed below:

In other words, the human cattle of the world need to be monitored, tracked, surveilled and controlled at all times by people like Bourla and Harari who believe that they exist above and beyond everyone else in the world who is not part of their little club.

This is their plan for the future, by the way: to control the human herd with ingestible and injectable tracking chips. It will probably start with the former and morph into the latter once the herd gets used to the idea of technocratic elitists monitoring what’s happening under their skin at all times.

Amazingly, the Hill‘s Kim Iverson, a former disbeliever in “conspiracy theories,” is now convinced that there might just be a secret cabal of evil ones who want to enslave the entire world under a bio-surveillance matrix of total slavery.

“I shall never scoff at so called conspiracy theorists again,” Iverson tweeted. “I will listen and remain open minded that perhaps what they’re saying is actually happening.”

In the comment section at Zero Hedge, many stated that they will never, ever comply with such schemes, no matter what the “authorities” demand of them.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Pfizer first tested its tablet chip in its Ukraine biolabs on the Ukrainian people,” one of them added.

More related news stories about Albert Bourla and others like him can be found at Evil.news.

Sources for this article include:



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