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(Natural News)
I’ve written over 700 articles on my Substack. This is my most important article to date because it provides objective proof, that anyone can verify, that I have been telling the truth since I first became a “misinformation spreader” on May 25, 2021 with an article on TrialSite News entitled “Should you get vaccinated?”.

(Article by Steve Kirsch republished from SteveKirsch.Substack.com)

Please watch my 17-minute summary video where I show the highlights from each of the 8 surveys I recently did.

If you only watch one video this year, this is the one to watch. It can save your life.

The preliminary results show:

  1. The vaccines have already killed more Americans than COVID.
  2. For kids 5-11, the 5-11 death report data indicates we are killing 336 kids for every child we might save from COVID if the vaccine was 100% perfect in protecting against death.
  3. The second shot is the most dangerous and increases all-cause mortality (ACM) over the next 30 days by 5X, the first and third shots raise ACM by 3X, and the fourth shot appears to only mildly elevate your risk of death. The analogy is that if 3 bullets to your head haven’t stopped you, it’s unlikely the 4th bullet will make much of a difference.
  4. It appears that the true number of COVID deaths, vaccine deaths, and annual deaths from heart attacks are relatively comparable with each other (within a factor of 2) since January 2020 to the present. This suggests that only around 650,000 people actually died from COVID, and a slightly larger number have died from the COVID vaccines. This is in line with our VAERS minimum estimate of excess deaths caused by the vaccine: 12,000 VAERS excess deaths in the US * 41 (under-reporting factor) = 492,000 deaths.
  5. These are all estimates, but the numbers are so absurdly high that nobody should be taking these vaccines, especially kids. It’s unethical.
  6. VAERS is very under-reported for deaths. All 15 deaths reported weren’t reported to the VAERS system suggesting that our 41X under-reporting factor minimum estimate is well within range.
  7. All surveys have biases and confounders. We are certainly open to hearing from anyone who thinks that they have a more accurate survey or analysis method. Instead of shooting holes in the survey, it’s more constructive to show us the “right” way.
  8. In order to attack this research, you need to attack the data or the methodology or both using data to prove we got it wrong, not hand-waving arguments.
  9. This work will never be published in a medical journal because it is counter-narrative. Starting on May 21, 2022, it will be “peer-reviewed” by hundreds of thousands of people who will be looking for an error and they will post it here. Check the comments if you want to see the “peer review.”
  10. You can replicate the surveys yourself if you don’t believe me.


We are in the process of repeating these questions with a randomly selected group of people with the survey being done by an independent polling company (the survey has already begun but the results will take 5 days).

In the meantime, the statisticians I work with tell me the signals observed here are too large to be explained by bias and they are also very consistent with previous estimates.

For example, I’ve walked into several large venues I’ve never been in before and asked the audience “how many people do you know who died from any cause right before they were going to get their first vaccine dose? How many after?” The results are always stunning.

So if you believe that people have selective recall and will be unable to recall a child’s death that was caused by COVID, then you should stop reading right now. However, if you think that people are primarily honest and answer objective questions honestly, you should keep reading. Also, if you are willing to survey your own followers, keep reading.


I recently sent off eight different surveys (listed below) to my readers to get a sense for what the reality is out there. What I found was consistent with everything I’ve been saying for more than a year now, namely, the vaccines are too unsafe to use and especially deadly for our kids.

The blue pillers would argue, “That’s a biased survey because your readers are all anti-vaxxers with an agenda.” Oh really? Great hand-waving argument, but where is your evidence that the responses were wrong? If you are a fact checker or work at HHS, I’m happy to give you the full data under NDA so you can actually look at the data BEFORE you make your accusations. After all, that should be the proper order, right? Evidence before accusation?

My readers actually see the world as it really is, whereas in the blue pill world, they see a different “reality”:

  1. nobody dies from the COVID vaccine
  2. there are no vaccine injured
  3. masks work great to stop COVID
  4. the vaccines are safe and effective
  5. lockdowns work
  6. 6 feet protects you from being infected
  7. none of the early treatment protocols work
  8. there is no negative vaccine efficacy
  9. the vaccine provide better protection than recovering from an infection
  10. the unvaccinated are a danger to society
  11. the unvaccinated are causing variants
  12. there is significant asymptomatic spread
  13. we should be testing people with no symptoms
  14. vaccines are so safe they should be mandated even though everyone admits that 100% vaccination will not stop the virus

So show me the PROOF that my readers are “biased.” Make my day. Let’s have a debate on that one.

With that out of the way, the results I found are simply stunning. Here are the two most important highlights from the data that I show in detail in the videos below:

  1. The cure is worse than the disease: more people have been killed by the vaccine than by COVID. Even if the vaccine was perfect and prevented 100% of the deaths, it still couldn’t be justified. What was stunning is that even though the disease started killing people in January 2020 and the vaccine got a very late start (December 2020), there have now been more people killed by the vaccine than by COVID. The total number killed so far by COVID and the vaccine is roughly the number of people killed by heart disease over 2 years so slightly over 1M people have been killed by COVID and the vaccine so far, with the vaccine slightly ahead of COVID.
  2. We are killing an estimated 336 kids for every kid we might save from a COVID death. As we get more data, we’ll be able to refine this number. The calculation is described below. It’s quite stunning.

Please, don’t take my word for it. If you don’t believe me, do your own survey.

Or you can ask yourself, “why don’t they want to fact check these results?” or “why don’t they want to do any of these surveys?”

The introduction

Read this article. This will open your eyes to the possibility that I may be right. It’s right there in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.

The surveys

I did five surveys with multiple questions. This allowed me to capture each response for anyone to analyze or verify:

  1. Relative event rates
  2. Peri-vaccine death rates
  3. All cause mortality after December 1, 2020
  4. Child deaths ages 5 to 18: virus or vaccine (2020 to present)
  5. Miscarriage rates (2020 to present)

I also did 3 social media surveys

  1. Deaths in 5 to 11 year olds since 2020 (Twitter)
  2. Deaths in our extended family since 2020 (Twitter)
  3. Deaths in our extended family since 2020 (Gab)

Survey results available for download

The 3 social media surveys are in public view.

You can download the responses for each of the five detailed surveys using the links in this section. You will get the FULL data. Note that some entries are gamed and there are duplicates that were not filtered out for completeness.

The contact info and names were redacted but are available to fact checkers under NDA:

  1. Relative event rates
  2. Peri-vaccine death rates
  3. All cause mortality after 2020
  4. Child deaths ages 5 to 18: virus or vaccine (2020 to present)
  5. Miscarriage rates (2020 to present)

Validation on Twitter and Gab (3 surveys)

Here are three surveys I ran on Twitter and Gab.

The beauty of these Twitter and Gab surveys is you can easily run these surveys yourself with YOUR followers and see what you get. That is your truth, since you shouldn’t believe anything I write or anything my followers say. After all, I’m a big “misinformation spreader” as everyone knows. Also these polls are still open and they could be gamed by either side. This is why you want to run your own poll.

Here’s the first poll.

Let’s assume the vaccines are perfectly safe. Then the three month period following Dose 1, 2, and 3 is just going to approximately reflect any normal 3 month period because we’ve already removed all the COVID deaths in the first line. The expected number of background deaths in 3 months is 7% from the second to last line. But let’s look at the 3 months after dose 1, 2, and 3: 7+12+6=25%. Subtract 7% background and we get an 18% excess death rate. But only 14% died from COVID. So even though the vaccines didn’t roll out for almost a year, the vaccines have already killed far more people than COVID: 18% excess death after the vaccine vs. 14% excess deaths from COVID. In short, just the excess deaths 30 days after the vaccines show the vaccines have killed 1.28X more people than COVID. Please run this survey yourself.

What this means is that if you think COVID has killed 1M Americans since 2020 (which I think is high), then COVID vaccines have killed 1.28M Americans since 2021. Let that sink in. And remember, not everyone has been vaccinated yet.

Here are two surveys run by VaccineTruth2 on Twitter. The first is the “Twitter version” of the Gab poll. It’s a Twitter version because you only get four choices and each line must be 25 characters or less.

There are 50% more votes on this one. But we couldn’t ask the control question about the number who die naturally over a 3 month period because Twitter limits polls to just 4 options. But fortunately, there was no need to.

We know from the previous poll that the background death rate is about 1/3 of the Dose 1 rate. And that the dose 3 rate was about 85% of the Dose 1 rate.

So we can estimate Dose 1 + Dose 2 + Dose 3 = 29.1%

Subtract out the estimated 3 month background and we get 29.1 -7.1= 22% excess death rate. 22% is more than twice as large as the 9.2% COVID rate. Again, the results show that the vaccine is killing way more people than COVID (in this case twice as many)! That’s what the numbers show. Even though this makes our case even more compelling, I think the Gab poll is going to be the closer estimate since less “estimating” is required because we have the source numbers for the population we surveyed.

And our final Twitter poll is the most shocking of all:

COVID has a negligible impact on child death rates. Deaths in kids are caused by cancer, accidents, etc. and it doesn’t change much year over year. So the deaths in kids should be even over time (there will be some seasonality of course). The first two bars represent 22 months. The last bar is 7 months. So how can just as many kids die in 7 months as in the 22 months prior to that? That can only happen if kids are dying at 3 times the earlier rate.

So what happened on Oct 29, 2021? We approved the vaccine for 5 to 11 year olds! But not every kid got the shot.

So if we injected only 50% of the kids in that age group, then this basically is a kill rate that is 6 times the normal all-cause mortality rate. That’s huge. It’s the biggest killer of kids of all time. The CDC outside committee (ACIP) just recommended that your child SHOULD get this vaccine so they don’t die from COVID. Just one person voted “No.” This is minutes after I told them that the data shows the vaccines were killing kids at a far higher rate than COVID and they should do their own surveys to find the truth.

The pro-vaxxers will argue that correlation doesn’t mean causality. That’s right, but they need to follow that up on that “hand-waving argument” by naming the intervention that DID cause the 3X increase in the rate of death of kids. What was it and how come nobody has said anything? Nothing from the CDC on this. We are left with the conclusion that it has to be the vaccine.

Nobody is saying anything because the medical community would be discredited for decades for recommending such a deadly vaccine. So they say nothing other than try to create FUD.

That’s why they need to censor us and why they hope that you never run the same survey yourself. There is simply no other way to explain this result. This article will be heavily censored on social media.

Also, assuming that 5% of kids are dying from COVID which would be a huge stretch (if anyone has the numbers, please put it in the comments but my guess is far far less than 5%), then we are looking at killing at least 120 kids for every kid we’d save from COVID with a PERFECT vaccine (20X factor from the 5% and 6X factor if all kids were vaccinated). Amazingly, this is nearly the same risk/benefit calculation that Toby Rogers did months ago (Toby estimated 117 kids were killed by the vaccine for every child we MIGHT save). Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Is there some noise in this data? Of course. But you can see the trends clearly. Even if we are off by a factor of 100, this is still troubling that we are killing more kids than we are saving, isn’t it?

Finally let me address claims that COVID is now killing our kids. Funny how this only started happening AFTER the vaccines rolled out for those kids, isn’t it??

My survey of kids 5 to18 who died showed that all 15 kids reported died from the vaccine. So if COVID is now a huge issue for kids, my data shows the problem is at least 10X bigger for the vaccine because we couldn’t find any of those kids who died from COVID.

I just found out I was right. Here are the numbers right from the October 26, 2021 VRBPAC presentation (see slide 16) which show that just 1.75% deaths in this age group are caused by COVID. So my 120X estimate…that’s wrong. I need to increase the 120X estimate by 5/1.75. We are killing 336 kids for every kid we would save if the vaccines are 100% successful. Wow.

The analyses

I published two analyses prior to this one:

  1. Statistical analysis shows that NOBODY under 60 should take the COVID vaccine
  2. Survey results so far are devastating

The 5 to 18 survey

Since 2020, none of my readers knew of a single COVID death in kids 18 and under. But they know of 14 who appear to have been killed by the vaccine and I have the full story of all of them. I read through all the death reports. One of the death reports was clearly gamed in order to try to discredit the survey if it was included; the 14 remaining are real. In short, we are killing lots of kids to save no one from dying from COVID. We can’t even quantify how big this is; we suspect it is at least 14 to 1 but could be over 100 to 1. We don’t have enough data to quantify just how insane this is. We have totally lost it as a society that there are so many people who want to kill their own kids with these vaccines and we have a government that is egging them on to do so. Note: Of the 15 responses, one was gamed, one was a duplicate, and one reported 2 deaths.

The video walkthroughs of the summary data

There are two videos that walk you through the survey results. Both videos can be viewed at 720p.

Eight surveys: the highlights (17 minutes)
Everyone should watch this short video. I describe the key takeaways of the 8 different surveys.

Five different surveys all show vaccines are NOT “safe and effective” (50 min)
This goes into the 5 long surveys in detail. This is available in 720p resolution which makes it easier to read.

My offer to any “fact checker” organizations including HHS agencies

I’m happy to supply the full data under NDA provided:

  1. The data is destroyed after use
  2. Access to the data is restricted to one or two people responsible for the research
  3. You commit up front to publishing the report on the analysis within a reasonable timeframe for verification. This ensures that if the data is verified, the “fact check” won’t get killed.

I am also happy to discuss the survey results on a live video call that is recorded and streamed. After all, I have nothing to hide.

How these surveys will be attacked

Arguments they will use include:

  1. The phase 3 trials proved the vaccines were safe
  2. The questions were biased
  3. The respondents were biased
  4. It’s not published in a peer-reviewed journal
  5. The surveys didn’t have IRB approval
  6. The surveys don’t support what the CDC has been saying so they must be wrong
  7. I’m too busy to look at this, but the arguments must be wrong

Let me assure you that all of these arguments are excuses. No vaccine expert in the world is going to agree to challenge me on this.

Any vaccine expert who believes they can successfully argue any of these points is invited to a recorded discussion with me where you prove, with evidence, that I’m wrong. You can make your request at stevekirsch-request at protonmail.com.

You will need to come armed with your own survey showing I got it wrong. Or with the autopsy reports for everyone who died in the clinical trial. Hand-waving arguments without evidence supporting your views will not be accepted.

Next steps

  1. Watch both videos (or at least the highlights video). Pick 720p resolution.
  2. If you don’t believe the video, please do you own survey or analyze the data I’ve uploaded
  3. Ask your doctor why my video is wrong and what the REAL numbers are. This has the effect of red-pilling your doctor.
  4. Your doctor will be “too busy” to respond and will attempt to gaslight you telling you that this is just misinformation. He will attempt an “appeal to a higher authority” because he won’t have any facts or evidence to dispute what I wrote, i.e., he will tell you “trust me… if the vaccines were unsafe the FDA never would have approved them.” Or he will say this isn’t peer-reviewed even though 100,000 of my peers are reviewing this article and I’m sure thousands will comment on it.
  5. After your doctor refuses to respond to you, tell all your friends that your doctor couldn’t produce any evidence that refutes the video and perhaps they could read this article and explain to you why this is misinformation.

Read more at: SteveKirsch.Substack.com

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