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(Natural News)
Virus and vaccine expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche believes the massive amount of complications caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines can collapse the healthcare systems of entire nations.

Vanden Bossche formerly worked as a senior officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and then as a senior program manager for the Gates Foundation-funded Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.

He gave this warning on Nov. 20, 2021, in a video message titled “Message to Austria,” which was released to coincide with a large rally in Vienna opposing COVID-19 restrictions.

As his first warning, Vanden Bossche advised Austrians to “never, ever … allow anything, or anybody, to interfere or suppress your innate immune system.” He explained that a person’s natural immune system is his or her first line of defense against infections. (Related: Vaccine expert warns the unvaccinated to never take COVID vaccines.)

Vanden Bossche further explained that the so-called antibodies provided by the COVID-19 vaccines suppress the body’s innate immune system and vaccines cannot substitute for it because the effectiveness of these so-called antibodies plummets quickly after injection and do not actually prevent infection or transmission of the virus.

If the COVID-19 vaccines are not helpful for adults, Vanden Bossche warns that this is especially true for children.

Vanden Bossche warned that the innate immunity of children “can easily be suppressed by vaccinal antibodies” because their antibodies are “so young and so naive that they can easily be outcompeted by vaccinal antibodies.”


He further warned that the continued vaccination of children could lead to a surge in autoimmune diseases in the world’s youth. Therefore, vaccinating children “is an absolute no-go,” he said. “We cannot vaccinate our children with these vaccines.”

Vanden Bossche later said those who have gotten themselves vaccinated should not get booster vaccine doses, calling it “absolutely insane” to do so.

“What this will do is just further increase the immune pressure of the vaccinal antibodies on their innate immunity,” he said. “Absolute nonsense. It is dangerous and should not be done.”

He also mentioned that when the fully vaccinated and boosted come up against different diseases, what little remains of their immune systems will have an extremely difficult time protecting the body.

Higher vaccination rates lead to higher likelihood of health system collapse

Vanden Bossche believes that the greatest weapon anti-vaccine protesters and health freedom advocates have against COVID-19 and the mandates is to not get vaccinated. He described this battle as a “fight for your health,” and if fewer people get vaccinated, the measures governments put in place will not be sustainable.

He also expressed great concern for the vaccinated, stating that health freedom advocates also need to treat them with compassion and understanding.

“We need to help them as much as we can because they will need extensive treatment in many cases,” he said. Vanden Bossche noted that he has observed that more and more fully vaccinated individuals are being hospitalized, and the rate at which they are ending up requiring treatment “is now steadily increasing.”

“Whereas more and more, with training of the innate immune system, with more exposure to the virus, more and more non-vaccinated people get protected,” said Vanden Bossche. “This will lead inevitably – and I am not a doomsday preacher – but this will inevitably lead to a collapse of our health system. It cannot be said otherwise.”

As a closing message, Vanden Bossche reiterated his point that COVID-19-related restrictions, such as lockdowns and mandates, are not sustainable no matter where they are put in place. He encouraged health freedom advocates fighting against restrictions to “stay calm,” and he shared a German saying that roughly translated to: “Strength is found in serenity.”

Watch this presentation by Vanden Bossche as he talks about the risks of mass vaccination programs.

This video is from the JoJoSpark channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

COVID vaccine complications will soon “collapse our health system,” warns renowned virologist.

Vaccine expert: Giving COVID-19 vaccines to children is an unforgivable sin because they destroy children’s innate immune systems.

Geert Vanden Bossche: Vaccinating people in the middle of a pandemic promotes spread of deadly “variants.”

Vaccine expert calls on WHO to immediately halt all coronavirus mass vaccinations.

Expert virologist urges WHO to halt mass vaccination for coronavirus, warns about deadly “viral immune escape.”

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