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(Natural News)
Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed almost 1.2 million reports of adverse events linked to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine from December 2020 through March.

Based on Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data released on March 4, there have been 1,168,894 adverse event reports linked to the COVID-19 shots. As of the aforementioned date, 327 million Pfizer doses, 209 million Moderna doses and 18 million Janssen doses have been administered – amounting to a grand total of 554 million COVID-19 vaccine doses injected into people’s arms.

The VAERS data released on March 4 also noted a total of 25,158 vaccine deaths – with 11,505 occurring in the United States. Seventeen percent of vaccine deaths occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, while 22 percent occurred within 48 hours after the injection.

There were 13,428 reports of blood clotting linked to the COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S., as per the VAERS data. The Pfizer shot accounted for a majority of these, with 5,992 attributed to the mRNA vaccine made in partnership with German company BioNTech. The Moderna shot came in second with 4,784 reports of blood clotting, while the single-dose Janssen shot manufactured by Johnson & Johnson followed with 2,607 instances of blood clots.

A total of 4,065 cases of cardiac inflammation were reported to VAERS as of March 4. The Pfizer shot again comprised a huge percentage of these reports of myocarditis and pericarditis with 2,499 cases. The Moderna vaccine followed with 1,381 reports of cardiac inflammation. The Janssen vaccine was a distant third, with only 174 cases of heart lining and heart muscle inflammation attributed to it.


Aside from blood clots and cardiac inflammation, there were 3,596 cases of Bell’s palsy and 859 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome reported to VAERS during the period between December 2020 and March. The majority of these serious neurological reactions were attributed to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, with the Moderna vaccine and the Janssen shot following suit.

VAERS data reveals children dying after COVID-19 shot

The VAERS data encompassing the period between December 2020 and March showed a total of five deaths in the five- to 11-year-old cohort. The most recent vaccine death involved a seven-year-old boy from the state of Washington who passed away after being injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. He went into shock and suffered cardiac arrest 13 days after his vaccination.

VAERS also showed 40 reported vaccine deaths in the 12- to 17-year-old cohort. The most recent death for this age group was a 14-year-old boy from New Jersey injected with the Pfizer vaccine. He experienced cerebral aneurysm that caused his death just one day after getting his first dose.

Aside from the two children, Michigan resident Sandra Jacobs joined the list of more than 11,000 Americans who died following COVID-19 vaccination. The 60-year-old Jacobs received the Janssen vaccine on April 8, 2021 at a CVS pharmacy. She passed away 13 days later on April 21 due to “complications of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.” A blood clot that developed at a major blood vessel near her brain caused an aneurysm that eventually claimed her life.

A later autopsy confirmed that the Michigan woman died of a serious reaction, which the CDC and other authorities insist is a “rare” occurrence. Because of Jacobs’ death, her daughter Tatum Strieter-Byron is now asking the federal government to compensate her for her mother’s loss.

“This is about the fact that there was wrongdoing that took place, and we are going to hold them accountable. You telling me that [the adverse condition is] rare doesn’t make her any less dead,” commented Strieter-Byron.

Find more related stories at VaccineDeaths.com.

Watch the video below to learn how to generate a chart of vaccine deaths from the VAERS website.

This video is from the Liberty Press channel on Brighteon.com.

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MedAlerts.org 1

MedAlerts.org 2



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