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(Natural News)
This week, President Joe Biden announced that the White House will be requesting $2.6 billion in order to fund gender equality programs.

Biden stated: “I’m proud that my FY 2023 Budget will request $2.6 billion for foreign assistance programs that promote gender equality worldwide.”

The comment was part of remarks he made on International Women’s Day, a day devoted to recognizing the cultural, political, economic and social achievements of women throughout the world.

He added that the amount represents more than twice the figure that was requested last year, when he set up the first White House Gender Policy Council on International Women’s Day. If his past actions and statements relating to gender equality are anything to go by, at least a portion of the money is likely to be devoted to abortions and birth control in foreign countries.

The Biden administration is carrying out a governmental effort to “protect reproductive rights,” part of which entails repealing the Mexico City Policy, which prohibited providing foreign aid to any organization that commits, refers or promotes abortions.

One of his first moves in office was to repeal the policy so that foreign aid could still be given to organizations that are involved in abortion, a move that many fear will lead to the murder of thousands of babies around the world.

The policy had previously been reinstated by President Donald Trump not long after he took office in 2017. Under previous Republican presidents, the policy only applied to groups that carried out abortions; Trump expanded it to apply to groups that promote and discuss abortion. The move caused abortion providers like Planned Parenthood to lose millions of dollars, while abortion provider Marie Stopes was forced to close hundreds of operations across Africa.


In a written statement about the new initiative, Biden commented: “Ensuring that every woman and girl has that chance isn’t just the right thing to do — it’s also a strategic imperative that advances the prosperity, stability, and security of our nation and the world.

The new funding request will form part of Biden’s federal budget proposal for the fiscal year 2023, which begins on October 1. It is not known when the spending proposal will be sent to Congress.

Calvin Freiburger of LifeSiteNews criticized Biden for suggesting that women are unable to “live up to their full God-given potential” without access to abortion on demand.

His statement said: “Every person deserves the chance to live up to their full God-given potential, without regard for gender or other factors. Yet too often, in too many places, women and girls face obstacles that limit their possibilities and undermine their participation in economic, political, and social life.”

As part of these efforts to make ‘gender equity’ a “cornerstone” of his administration, Biden pointed out his launching of a “whole-of-government effort to protect reproductive rights,” which is another way of referring to legal abortion.

Biden called bill banning abortions past 15 weeks “dangerous”

Earlier this month, when Florida passed a bill banning abortions after 15 weeks, Biden tweeted that the legislation was “dangerous.” The president, who claims to be a devout Catholic, seems unconcerned about the fact that babies are close to viability at that point and can feel pain. The Republican-led Senate voted 23 to 15 in favor of the Florida bill, which Governor DeSantis plans to sign soon. It allows exceptions only for abortions that are deemed necessary to save the life of the mother or avert a serious risk to her health, as well as in cases where babies are diagnosed with abnormalities that will lead to their death upon birth.

With a record like that, it should come as no surprise that so many people are worried about what might be included in this “gender equality” program American taxpayers will be funding – and it’s especially upsetting at a time when there are so many more pressing needs that could use these funds.

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