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(Natural News)
“Well-placed” sources have confirmed that the military arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), is launching another bioweapon at the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

These sources allege that a hemorrhagic fever attack is currently underway as the next deadly “pandemic” to follow the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And just like the Fauci Flu, it was supposedly constructed in a laboratory, only to now be tested for “performance” on both the Chinese people and anyone in attendance at the Olympic games. (Related: A high-ranking CCP defector came forward with intel about how communist China has a full-scale biological weapons program.)

“The virus has been altered inside a laboratory to make the incubation period longer than usual, now suspected at 3-4 weeks, in order to allow visitors to Beijing to return home with no symptoms during transit,” reports CD Media.

“The launch of the virus is following the procedure used during the launch of Covid-19, in that portions of China are infected, locked down, in an attempt to stop the transmission to the rest of China after release. This scenario gives the PLA plausible deniability.”

This new virus is said to be highly transmissible and cause bleeding through multiple orifices of the body, including skin pores.

Will hemorrhagic fever become a plandemic 2.0?

At least three confirmed and suspected cases of the virus are already being reported in the United Kingdom, pending the return of test results. All three individuals are from the same family in the East of England.


The U.K. has only ever seen 10 confirmed cases of hemorrhagic fever ever in the country, the first of which was confirmed in 2009.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan further confirmed that the CCP via the PLA did, in fact, release this deadly new bioweapon at the Olympics. She tweeted about how people must be “well-prepared” because the virus could continue spreading all around the world as exposed Olympics attendees return to their home countries.

One source that spoke to CD Media claims to have contacted various appropriate agencies within the U.S. federal government to warn them about the need for Americans attending the Olympics to quarantine upon returning home, but to no avail.

“It is always a question of whether or not to publicize such data but we felt the American public needed to be aware of what possibly may be happening as trust in our government and the medical establishment is at rock bottom,” CD Media reported.

In the comment section at CD Media, one person wrote that this is all happening “just as planned,” and that people in the know have been warning about this kind of thing as a plandemic 2.0.

“There is already a Bill Gates-funded injection ready called RiVax,” this same person wrote. “It’s a deadly ricin injection.”

“Ahhh, the next phase of the lie, another plandemic in order to keep us in masks and taking gene therapy ‘vaxs’ for population control,” wrote another.

“This will be one pandemic you will want an N95 mask for,” responded another. “This from a nurse that bucked the covid plandemic!”

Another suggested that if this is all actually true that people need to start praying, not worrying about masks again. A face veil is certainly not going to protect against something as deadly as hemorrhagic fever anyway.

“Okay, here it is,” wrote someone else. “Just as I predicted months ago and the CCP-compliant WEF forecast as early as 1989, the second, much more deadly bioweapon attack has been launched. The Great Reset lurches forward with its population reduction scheme.”

More of the latest news about communist China can be found at Tyranny.news.

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