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(Natural News)
Natural immunity acquired from a previous Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection provided significantly more protection against the virus than the vaccines. This is according to a bombshell new study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The study, released Wednesday, reviewed data from New York and California from May to Nov. 2021. During this time, the post-vaccine delta variant was the most dominant COVID-19 strain circulating in the United States.

The CDC researchers examined four categories of people – the unvaccinated and vaccinated with no prior COVID-19 infection and the unvaccinated and vaccinated who had recovered from a previous COVID-19 infection.

According to the results of the study, by the first week of Oct. 2021, COVID-19 rates among the vaccinated who did not experience any previous infection were 6.2 and 4.5 times lower in California and New York, respectively, than among the unvaccinated with no previous infection.

But among those who were unvaccinated but had experienced a prior COVID-19 infection, the case rate was 29 times lower in California and 14.7 times lower in New York.

“These results demonstrate that … surviving a previous infection protects against a reinfection and related hospitalization,” admitted the CDC.

The CDC could not claim that natural immunity alone can protect people against COVID-19. The agency claimed that the data showed people who were vaccinated and had survived a previous COVID-19 infection were the most protected group among the four studied.


But the CDC did admit that natural immunity provided more protection against the vaccine-resistant delta variant and that the supposed immunity provided by the vaccines had begun to disappear by the time the post-vaccine variant became the dominant strain in the United States.

Research proves natural immunity superior to vaccine immunity

Public health officials and leading members of the government have repeatedly attempted to downplay the effectiveness of natural immunity against the coronavirus, insisting that the experimental and dangerous vaccines alone are sufficient in protecting people against COVID-19.

What the CDC’s research shows is that prior infection offers more protection than the vaccines.

Mainstream media outlets that covered this story attempted to downplay the finding that natural immunity outperformed vaccine-acquired immunity. They instead attempted to overemphasize that a combination of both natural and vaccine-acquired immunity supposedly offered the best protection.

“Before the delta variant, COVID-19 vaccination resulted in better protection against a subsequent infection than surviving a previous infection,” said Dr. Benjamin Silk, an infectious disease epidemiologist working for the CDC. “When looking at the summer and fall of 2021, when delta became dominant in this country, however, surviving a previous infection now provided greater protection against subsequent infection than vaccination.”

During a media briefing, Silk was forced to backtrack by claiming that the evidence presented in the study does not change the CDC’s recommendations regarding vaccination.

“We know that vaccination is still the safest way to protect yourself against COVID-19,” he said.

Government officials have also gone on a media blitz to try and bury this study by promoting more vaccinations.

Dr. Eli Rosenberg, Deputy Director for Science for the New York State Department of Health claimed that the safest course of action, especially for people who have never had COVID-19, is still to get vaccinated.

“Having COVID the first time carries with it significant risks, and becoming vaccinated and staying up-to-date with boosters really is the only safe choice for preventing COVID infection and severe disease,” he said.

Dr. Marty Makary, a professor and public policy researcher for Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, has called out policymakers for their failure to acknowledge the power of natural immunity.

“The pandemic of the unvaccinated is a misnomer. It’s a pandemic of the non-immune,” he once wrote. “More precisely, it’s a series of regional outbreaks in select pockets of the country with low population immunity.”

Watch this episode of The HighWire with Del Bigtree as he talks about how natural immunity is the way out of the pandemic.

This video can be found on the channel The Highwire with Del Bigtree on Brighteon.com.

Learn more about natural immunity against COVID-19 at ImmuneSystem.news.

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