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(Natural News)
Jeffrey Prather told his viewers that the January 6 Capitol incident narrative of the Deep State is collapsing during the January 14 episode of his show “The Prather Point” on Brighteon.TV.

“The January 6 narrative is collapsing because the majority of American people through a CBS poll, a propaganda press poll, does not believe that January 6 was an insurrection. Nobody has been charged with insurrection. It’s a disruption of Congress,” Prather pointed out.

“That’s why [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi recently said, ‘Hey, we’ve got to continue the narrative.’ That’s to quote her, we’ve got to continue the narrative about January 6 because it’s a very important part of the infiltration of our government through fifth generation warfare, which is primarily information influence operations.”

However, the former intelligence officer said that he still does not believe in polls because “they are metrics that the Deep State controls and the propaganda press controls.”

“So this is the Deep State via the FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation], which is probably a cover for the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] to arrest Stewart Rhodes to prop up their failing and collapsing story because the January 6 patriot martyrs are not going to go away,” Prather said. (Related: Tucker: Jan. 6 “insurrection” organizers were FBI assets.)

Oath Keepers founder arrested for seditious conspiracy

The retired Special Operations soldier also explained that Rhodes, the Oath Keepers founder who was arrested for seditious conspiracy while on the phone with his lawyer, was not really arrested because he was recruited by the FBI.


“This looks like a sham arrest to me and will not hold up because the whole January 6 false flag conspiracy is collapsing daily on the Deep State… Rhodes is arrested because he’s talking, he’s going to be a witness to a lawyer, and may have violated his informal agreement with the FBI,” Prather said.

“And so he was speaking to a January 6 defense attorney John Mosley, who had just secured Rhodes as a witness in an upcoming trial for his client. So now, I think they’re called confidential human sources in federal law enforcement. But one of the things you say to them when you sign them up is that now if you violate your agreement, then we can go ahead and arrest you.”

The former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) special agent added that there were 10 other Oath Keepers who were arrested for seditious conspiracy.

That charge, which is the most serious to come out of the investigation, is one of many in the indictment unsealed January 13, which alleged that Rhodes and his co-defendants carried small arms to the Washington, D.C. area to prepare for the attacks and made plans to orchestrate quick-reaction forces to support insurrectionists.

Rhodes was apprehended January 13 in Texas.

Prather said Rhodes will be “locked up and won’t be available because all the political prisoners have not been available until recently at all, and they haven’t been able to contact their lawyers because they’re using COVID as an excuse.” He also took note of the fact that the FBI has not arrested Ray Epps, a former United States Marine Sergeant in Phoenix, Arizona.

Epps is allegedly among the primary instigators of the very first breach of the Capitol Hill’s police barricades on January 6, 2021 and is said to have led the “breach team” that committed the very first illegal acts on that day.

The FBI has also secretly removed Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1 last year. Prather said that it is very interesting that the FBI has not arrested Epps but has arrested Rhodes.

January 6 incident clearly not a terrorist event

The Brighteon.TV host also stressed that the January 6 incident was clearly not a terrorist event because a “terrorist event seeks to inspire terror or to inspire oppression.”

“So January 6 was clearly not a terror attack by the patriots who were lured into the building to breach the building and who were welcomed in. There was the black ops team, probably FBI or probably CIA posing as FBI, breaching the walls. They were changing clothes, turning MAGA caps and Trump caps around backwards for identification,” Prather said. “The FBI has now become the cover agency for covert operations.”

Watch the full Jan. 14 episode of “The Prather Point” with Jeffrey Prather below. “The Prather Point” airs every Friday at 10-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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