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(Natural News)
A key way the Democrats are installing communism in America is by dividing the country so major swaths of citizens hate each other to the point they want all the others to die. This occurred with the whole race-baiting, race hate movement that was mostly just fabricated by the media and a few dramatic events (some of which were obviously staged). Now, the Covid-vaccinated Americans are being brainwashed and taught to hate the unvaccinated, blame us for everything and wish us dead. That’s why pro-vaccine fanaticism is an infectious disease itself, because it’s spreading like a pandemic itself, playing right into the hands of the demented Biden Regime and the Chinese Communist Party plans for America.

Vaccine addiction

About a third of Americans know (or highly suspect) that the Covid spike protein, gene therapy jabs are a sick plan to make people sick, and that’s why tens of millions of Americans are still saying “no way” to the China Flu clot shots. Then there are the vaccinated and the “fully vaccinated,” who believe they are completely safe from Covid and that anyone who catches, spreads or dies from Covid must be due to lack of vaccination. Nothing’s further from the truth.

The vaccinated have been so brainwashed and dumbed-down over the years that they want more Covid vaccines and more boosters as soon as possible. Without vaccines, they feel naked and totally exposed to infectious diseases. None of them believe in the power of the natural human immune system, which is utterly amazing. Most vaccinated people believe they are healthier with forced, artificial immunity.

Worst yet, most vaccinated people today do NOT understand that the Covid jabs are not vaccines at all. They provide little to no immunity, wane quickly and clog the entire vascular system with billions of microscopic spike prions that mimic deadly viruses.

Vaccine withdrawal (ADE)

A couple hundred million Americans are experiencing vaccine withdrawal right now. Many people who haven’t had a Covid-19 injection in the past 4 to 6 months have zero immunity to Covid or its variants, while others have below-zero immunity, meaning they are more likely to catch Covid and/or die from it because of the spike protein injections.

Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) is a syndrome resulting from vaccines that conjure immune reactions of antibodies binding to pathogens, but those pathogens are not properly wiped out. Instead, the virus can become resilient, digging further into the body and spreading.

Certain vaccines induce ADE, including the Covid jabs. ADE has occurred with other vaccines also, including the dengue virus vaccine in 2016 in the Philippines. The virus vaccines failed to neutralize the natural virus, making infections in the vaccinated people even worse and more deadly. Several studies now prove that Covid jabs induce ADE.

Like opioids, people are now addicted to vaccines, physically and psychologically. They NEED the vaccines for artificial immune system stimulation, psychological reinforcement that they are protected, and due to Antibody-dependent Enhancement syndrome. So now, if you are pro-vaccine, then you are anti-science, because the science proves the risk of Covid vaccination far outweighs any benefits derived.

One recent study of this nature concluded that future attempts to create SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have potentially higher risks for inducing ADE in people who receive these new vaccines. Another study done by Japanese researchers found the post-vaccine delta variant of COVID-19 is mutating quickly and already causes vaccine-acquired ADE, most likely from the Pfizer vaccine.

That’s why people pushing vaccines and ostracizing people who don’t take them are actually spreading disease themselves, including diseases of the body and of the mind. The vaccinated are even MORE dangerous because they believe they are safe, so they take more risks than they would otherwise.

For the best in truth news on your internet dial tune to Pandemic.news because it doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to see that Covid vaccines, Remdesivir, masks, ventilators and bad CDC advice are creating a pandemic of their own.

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