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(Natural News)
The ‘woke’ nonsense that the left is imposing throughout our society is not just goofy or outright insane in some cases, it is extremely dangerous and it is harming the youngest and most vulnerable among us: our children, who happen to be the future of our country.

“Most kids don’t grow up thinking that boys can be girls and girls can be boys. These ideas are taught; they are programmed into children at a young age by woke parents and progressive public educators,” writes Michael Austin for the Western Journal. “Children are groomed into believing they themselves are transgender and that gender theory is a legitimate concept.”

Austin goes on to note that the tactics being utilized by the left-wing lunatics who run our public schools to indoctrinate kids into LGBTQ are also used by pedophiles to groom their young victims.

He points to an August Psychology Today article by Dr. Kelli Palfy, Ph.D., who is an expert on male sexual abuse and a trained trauma therapist, who described how serial sex abusers do what they do.

“Grooming techniques are the deliberate, carefully orchestrated acts and gestures offenders engage in. The acts are all legal and not harmful in themselves but later recognized as offenders’ preparation process, designed to win the affection, trust, and loyalty of potential victims and their parents,” Palfy wrote.

That appears to match perfectly what ‘educators’ around the country are doing to our children, though not without pushback from parents, as Austin notes:

Two of the books in question — “Gender Queer: A Memoir” by Maia Kobabe and “Lawn Boy” by Jonathon Evison — were disseminated to schools across the country on the recommendation of two prominent national school library associations — the School Library Journal and the Young Adult Library Services Association.

Both books contain various cartoon-style depictions of pornography, some of which involve children performing sex acts on one another.

These two books were initially removed from libraries within the Fairfax County (Virginia) Public Schools but were recently put back again against the will of parents after “committees” selected by leftists ‘analyzed’ them and found nothing wrong.

“They’ve doubled down on porn in the schools. They’ve all got to go,” said Stacy Langton, the Fairfax County mother who showed the school board images from the books in September, in an interview with Fox News.

“Who’s in favor of porn in the schools?” she asked.

Fox News added that parents recently showed up at a board meeting — again — to protest the books — again:

Fox News reported that parents assembled outside of Luther Jackson Middle School with some holding signs that said, “No porn in our schools” and t-shirts emblazoned with “Mama Grizzly” and “Papa Grizzly.” Others held signs that featured school board members and the text, “Resign FairfaXXX.”

The Thursday school board meeting is the first since FCPS reinstalled the controversial books: “Lawn Boy” by Jonathan Evison, which features lengthy segments of a boy thinking about explicit experiences when he was 10; and “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” by Maia Kobabe, which includes photos of sex acts between a man and a boy.

“We’re here because we don’t want any porn in the schools,” Angela Boyer, who has a daughter who graduated from a school in Fairfax County, noted in an interview with the news network outside of the board meeting.

“We’re sick of them trying to put labels on it and call it what it isn’t. Stop playing word semantic games. It’s ridiculous and insulting,” she said.

“As a parent of kids that go to Fairfax County schools, it doesn’t matter if it’s ‘Lawn Boy,’ gay sex, straight sex, it shouldn’t be in schools,” added a father of two named Justin. “We don’t need to be paying tax dollars for sexual books.”

“The school board is failing our children,” said a mother of two, Maria Sherwell, both of whom attend a school in the district.

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